Perils of extreme beauty
All sensible people love beauty and they like to possess or be
surrounded by beautiful people or things. Although it is impossible to
possess all beautiful things, we love to appreciate beauty. However,
when someone, usually a woman, is exceedingly beautiful Fate strikes a
cruel blow not allowing to lead a full span of her life. Human history
is replete with women of exceeding beauty. Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, and
Marilyn Monroe were some of the women endowed with stunning beauty.
However, none of them lived long enough to enjoy life.
According to Greek mythology, Helen of Troy was the most beautiful
woman in Greece. She was the daughter of Zeus and Leda who was the queen
of King Tyn darens of Sparta. Even in her childhood Helen was a
beautiful girl. As a result, she was abducted by Theseus who wanted to
marry her later. She was, however, rescued by her brothers.
When Helen was unhappily married to Menelaus, she was seduced and
carried off by Paris. As it often happens in such hasty marriages, Paris
began to neglect her. Meanwhile, Menelaus and other Greek chieftains
declared war on Troy to take away Helen. Greek mythology tells us that
the war lasted for nearly 10 years. When Paris was killed in the battle,
Menelaus took her back to Greece.
What is strange is that even after her death Helen was not allowed to
rest in peace. Marlowe resurrected her from the dead and wrote:
"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.
Marilyn Monroe: A symbol of beauty and
effervescence |
Her lips suck forth my soul; see where it flies!"
Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" was mesmerised by Helen' s beauty. He tells
us that Helen was the cause of the Trojan war. After kissing Helen, Dr
Faustus was frightened by the intensity of his own feelings. All this
shows that outstanding beauty of a woman can upset the emotional life of
a normal man.
Cleopatra was the other woman whose beauty changed human history.
She was the daughter of Ptolemy, King of Egypt. When her father died,
Cleopatra, a beautiful princess of 17 years and her brother who was just
12 years succeeded jointly to the throne of Egypt. According to the
customs of the age, they were to get married. However, before their
marriage took place, Cleopatra's younger brother drove her away.
Cleopatra was in exile when the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar arrived
in Egypt. Enamoured of her stunning beauty Julius Caesar made use of his
power to install Cleopatra as the Queen of Egypt. When Caesar left for
Rome, Cleopatra followed him and lived with him as his mistress.
Human life is so unpredictable that the great Roman Emperor Julius
Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C. Cleopatra remained neutral during the
civil war that ravaged Rome after the assassination of Julius Caesar.
Outraged by her conduct, Mark Antony called for her explanation.
Meanwhile, he too fell for her ravishing beauty. Both of them went to
Egypt leaving the Roman empire in a chaotic situation.
Fate had other plans for Cleopatra. Mark Antony left her and returned
to Rome where he married Octavia.
Cleopatra's love affair with Mark Antony did not end abruptly. When
Antony went to the East as a commander of an expedition, he married
Cleopatra and continued to live in Egypt. Outraged by the event, Rome
declared war on Egypt. Cleopatra volunteered to go to the war front.
When Antony received a false report that she had died, he committed
suicide. Cleopatra too killed herself by the poisonous bite of an asp.
Antony and Cleopatra's tragic love affair was the plot of William
Shakespeare's memorable play "Antony and Cleopatra". Irish playwright
George Bernard Shaw named his play "Caesar and Cleopatra". John Dryden's
play was called "All for love". All the three playwrights re-enacted
Cleopatra's tragic love and hinted at the perils of extreme beauty.
Marilyn Monroe was another woman of great beauty. Her real name was
Norma Jeanne Mortenson. Norma did not receive her parents' affection and
warmth as she spent most of her childhood in foster homes and
orphanages.At the age of 16 she had no option except to marry Jimmy
Dougherty after a brief courtship. When her marriage failed, she tried
her hand at modelling. She also followed drama classes with the dream of
becoming a film star. When Norma signed her first studio contract with
Twentieth Century Fox in 1946 she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.
Marilyn stormed Hollywood with her extraordinary beauty and skill as
an actor. She soon became a sex goddess who outshone all the other women
of the 20th century. After becoming a film star she married baseball
superstar Joe Dimaggio but their marriage did not last long. In 1956
Marilyn launched her own motion picture company and got married to the
well-known playwright Arthur Miller. Sadly, this marriage too went on
the rocks. On August 5, 1962 Marilyn died mysteriously in her sleep. She
was only 36. Today her name is synonymous with ravishing beauty and
Why such extremely beautiful women die in the prime of their youth
remains a mystery.