Children's Day observed in many countries
The special day designated by the United Nations to focus on issues
related to children worldwide -Universal Children's Day is observed on
November 20 each year by many countries .
Last year's Universal Children's Day marked the 20th anniversary of
the Convention on the Rights of the Child,which was adopted on November
20, 1989.
First proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1954, it
was established to encourage all countries to institute a day, firstly
to promote mutual exchange and understanding among children and secondly
to initiate action to benefit and promote the welfare of the world's
It was also chosen as the day to celebrate childhood.It was first
celebrated worldwide in October 1953, under the sponsorship of
International Union for Child Welfare in Geneva.
However, as each country had the option to decide on the date to
observe this special day, Sri Lanka has chosen to observe it on October
1 annually.
In 2000, world leaders outlined the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
" which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of
HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target
date of 2015. Though the Goals are for all humankind, they are primarily
about children. UNICEF notes that six of the eight goals relate directly
to children and meeting the last two will also make critical
improvements in their lives.
New monkey found in
The discovery of the new species is considered a welcome change at
a time most species of animals are threatened with ectinction
A new type of snub-nosed monkey has been found in a remote forested
region of Northern Myanmar which is under threat from logging and a
Chinese dam project, scientists said recently.

The A new type of snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus strykeri) is seen
in this undated handout of an artist rendering released on October 26,
featured here.
The new type of snub-nosed monkey has been found in a remote forested
region of Northern Myanmar which is under threat from logging and a
Chinese dam project, scientists said. They said that hunters in
Myanmar's Kachin state disclosed the long-tailed black monkey, with
white-tufted ears and a white beard, could often be tracked in the rain
because its upturned nostrils made it prone to sneezing when water
dripped in.
"It's new to science. It's unusual to travel to a remote area and
discover a monkey that looks unlike any other in the world," Thomas
Geissmann, lead author of the study at the University of Zurich-Irchel,
told Reuters.
Studies of a carcass and four skulls showed the monkey differed from
snub-nosed monkeys in China and Vietnam. The experts had no photos of a
live Myanmar monkey.
The scientists estimated there were between 260 and 330 of the
monkeys living in an area of about 270 sq km (100 sq miles) and believed
the species to be critically endangered.
"The hunting pressure is likely to increase considerably in the next
few years as new dam construction and logging roads invade" the monkeys'
habitat, they wrote in the American Journal of Primatology.
"The future of the snub-nosed monkey lies in Chinese hands," said
Frank Momberg, of Fauna and Flora International and a co-author of the
study. Monkeys were hunted for meat or fur and their body parts were
used in traditional medicines in China.
The discovery of the snub-nosed monkey contrasts with a rising trend
of extinctions, caused by factors such as land clearance, expansion of
cities, pollution and climate change.
Hajj Festival falls
on November 17
Muslims of Sri Lanka join the rest of the world to celebrate the
festival of sacrifice. Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam.
It is the duty of every affluent Muslim to perform Hajj at least once in
their life.

Hajj is called the festival of sacrifice because of the sacrifice
made by Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihiwa Wasalam) his wife Hajara and son
Ismail to adhere to the commands of Almighty Allah by fulfilling his
In keeping with the responding to that original call of Prophet
Ibrahim (Alaihiwa Sallam) and following in the footsteps of the Prophet
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaiwasallam), over two million people from every
corner of the globe gather at Mecca to perform Hajj in addition to the
professing of faith, daily prayers, a month long annual fast and charity
to the poor.
Hajj is one of the five tenets of Islam. Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime
obligation for every Muslim, male or female, provided he or she is
healthy enough to travel and has the means to undertake the pilgrimage.
After reaching the Holy City, it is most heartening to see in the
midst of the desert of Mecca, , the Holy Ka'ba where pilgrims make Tawaf
(circuit) seven times reciting "O Allah! I beg of thee forgiveness and
peace in the world and the next. O, Lord, give us good in this world and
good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the fire. "
On this holy day we pray to Almighty Allah to restore much needed
peace and understanding among our Sri Lankan brothers and sisters in
peace and harmony among all communities.
Let us on this "Eid" day pray for forgiveness and seek Almighty
Allah's blessing to build a just and prosperous society.
I wish all Muslims a very happy "Eid Mubarak."
Text and Pic - Ruzaik Farook |