Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 14 November 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette
Stop human trafficking!

What is human trafficking ? It is the illegal trade or smuggling of human beings for forced labour. It’s the fastest growing criminal industry in the world and second largest after the drug trade. It differs from people smuggling. After reaching their ultimate destination, the smuggled people are usually free to do their own thing and find their own way in the country they have been smuggled into.

However, in human trafficking, the victims are not permitted to do so. They are held against their will and are forced to work or be engaged in unlawful activities by the traffickers and others. The work may include anything from bonded or forced labour to sexual exploitation. Forced labour is a situation where the victims are compelled to work against their will, under the threat of violence or some other form of punishment. Their freedom is restricted and most often they are compelled to work in appalling conditions. Child labour which is in force interferes with the education of children and also affects their health and physical, mental, spiritual and social development.

Most people think that trafficking occurs only in poor countries. It happens in many parts of the world and some of the countries to which these people are taken include America, Japan and Singapore.

Many organisations and antitrafficking groups have come forward to prevent this from happening. The International Organisation for Migration, and the United Nations are just two organisations fighting to stop human trafficking. One of the best ways to stop or minimise human trafficking is to educate the public, especially the uneducated society in remote villages, about the dangers of human trafficking. The Government should impose stringent laws and take necessary steps to stop it. I would like to say: “Let’s fight together and stop human trafficking.”

What is wind?

The wind is air in motion (moving). There are two kinds of wind. They are land wind and sea wind. Land wind blows out into the sea at night while the sea wind blows into the land in the morning.

There are many tiny and sometimes large things which are carried by the wind such as dust, pollen, seeds and even garbage. When there are strong winds, it causes forest fires to spread. Rain water is also carried in all directions by the wind, especially during storms.

There are many uses of the wind. It is used to produce electricity, work wind mills, and sail boats or ships. We can also fly kites. We also refresh ourselves and breathe fresh air carried by the wind. Birds too use wind to fly.

There are disadvantages too when strong winds occur. They bring diseases along with the rain and spread forest fires. Hurricanes, tonadoes, gales and cyclones destroy property and even lives.

There are some instruments to measure the air and wind. They are the wind vane which measures direction of the wind, the anemometer to check air pressure, and the Beaufort scale to check the speed of the wind.

Let’s protect animals

Animals are our friends. We should show kindness to them. If you are keen on seeing most of the animals that live today in the future too, then do not harm them or put them in cages.

They were born to live freely on this Earth, not to be caged!

You may have often heard people say “do not behave like animals” especially when people misbehave and act in a bad way. They say this because they think that animals are bad. It is not correct to think so since all animals are not bad and do not behave in a bad way. Even though some wild animals may bite and harm us, they do so most often out of fear and because they do not know how to behave around humans.

Most often wild animals damage our property and even harm us because they have no proper place to roam about and also find food and water. Trees are cut down and much of the forest cover is being cleared for human settlements and development projects.

When forest cover is reduced, animals have no space to live. We must therefore protect forests first if we want to prevent the damage done by wild animals to human lives and property. Otherwise, the big animals, especially like elephants should be relocated when forest areas are cleared for development.

Some people have pets such as cats, dogs and rabbits. The owners often tie or cage these animals so they do not have freedom. Some owners do not treat them well. Some do not supply proper food or water for their pets and sometimes even hit them for no apparent reason. If we cannot give them proper love and care we should not bring them home.

They should be allowed to live in the streets or in their natural habitats. Some animals cannot live even in the jungle because predators kill them for food.

Animals must be treated correctly by humans. Many people take the best use of animals but do not treat them well. They kill elephants and take their tusks to sell. With that money, they improve their lives.

In Hinduism the cow is held sacred. Even in Buddhism it has been said that the cow’s milk is same as mother’s breastmilk. So, we must learn to respect animals and keep them safe.

It is very interesting to observe animals in their natural habitats. Let animals live in their natural environment. Take better care of your pets and also all the other animals around you. Stop harming them and start loving and treating them well.

It is the duty of all nature lovers to protect these helpless animals and ensure their safety. We need to stop them from becoming extinct.

Value of libraries

Libraries are the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. A library contains books on various subjects the readers need. Libraries are the path to wisdom.

Books are very expensive today. Those who enjoy reading cannot afford to buy most of the books. So, they have to depend on libraries.

We can read or borrow books on various subjects from a library. Encyclopedias which are very costly to purchase, many reference books and other rare books which may not be available in shops are found in libraries.

The latest books in the market too are bought by libraries and we can read them either at the library or at home by borrowing them from the library.

We must read a lot to gain more knowledge. So, the library is the right place for people in search of knowledge. Inside a library it is always quiet and peaceful.

This atmosphere is perfect for reading. In each library, there is a librarian who helps us to find the books of our choice. The librarian is in charge of the library and lends us books from the library after issuing us a membership card.

When we borrow books from a library we must take good care of them. We must not tear or deface the pages. We must learn to value libraries and use them with respect and care, always returning the books we borrow to read, in good condition.

Trees are our friends

Trees are our best friends. All trees are essential to life. They help us in many ways and also fulfil our basic needs. For example, air, water, food and shelter are provided by trees.

Trees are very helpful to us. Scientists have found out that trees as well as plants also breathe like human beings. They give out oxygen and absorb carbondioxide. They even make their own food. This process is called 'photosynthesis". Trees and plants also provide food. For example, a coconut tree provides many things for us. All the parts of the coconut tree could be used. It is considered the celestial tree of Sri Lanka.

Plants which we can eat are also very good for our health. A vegetarian diet is very healthy. Trees retain humidity and also attract rain. The best thing is they prevent soil erosion.

Today, many trees are cut down due to reckless deforestation. This happens because of the various development activities carried out by man. Many useful trees, plants and medicinal herbs and the natural habitat of wild animals too are being destroyed. We should protect our beautiful rainforests and the lovely trees that grow in our environments. If deforestation continues to take place at the present rate in our small country, the land will soon be similar to that of a desert. So, should we not think about the harm it could cause before cutting down any more trees? Cutting down these valuable trees is like digging one's own grave.

My exam is over!

The Grade 5 scholarship examination was a great problem to me. My parents and teachers always compelled me to study well. That time was a busy time for me. I did not get enough time to play because I had classes every day. I did not have time to even watch television.

On August 22, I sat for the exam.

Now I am free. I can play well and enjoy myself watching my favourite TV cartoons.

A rainy day

A rainy day is very cold and gloomy. The sky is full of black clouds. The rain water pours down from the roof and the window panes. The gardens and the drains are filled with muddy water. The roads are also wet and slippery. People can be seen walking with umbrellas and raincoats.

Children cannot play any outdoor games. However, they are happy, sailing paper boats in the rain water. Animals too cannot go out. Birds stay in their nests. But trees become fresh with rain water.


My mother is Champa Chandani Hettiarachchi. She is forty years old. She is a teacher at Walakumbura Maha Vidyalaya. She teaches English.

She is very kind. She prepares meals for our family and washes our clothes. She loves me very much. I also love my mother very much.

I love my school

My school is the Defence Services College. It is a very nice and peaceful place. All students studying in the school are children of the Armed Forces personnel.

The principal is Mr. Wickramasinghe. I love my school.

My brother

As quiet as a mouse,

Which lives in my house,

He makes me angry,

Even when I am hungry,

He eats all the food,

A habit that is no good,

He is dark as the night,

We always have a fight,

Yet I feel so good,

Because of his funny mood,

If you have a brother like him,

Please don't fail to call me!

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