Versatile portrait painter
It is not always true that those whom gods love live to the ripe old
age. For gods certainly love him. He had the unlimited dreams of a god
but the limited power of man. His ambition was to do all things and to
do them flawlessly. As a painter he had many projects but he completed
only a handfull. For he left his work undone. Too bad that he wasn't
alive to paint his greatest master piece.
This man was Saradius Lankatileke the artist who had left to the
world his hundreds of priceless treasures. His tolerant brush portrayed.
What was best in the features of his clients, and his gracious manner
brought out what noblest in their hearts. (From his earliest childhood
his brush had interested him and was able to show his talents and
impress his teachers as a schoolboy artist.
Saradius Lankatileke who hails from Galle started his education in
the village school and ended up his school career at Ananda College,
Colombo. S.L.B. Kapukotuwa the then District Inspector of Schools Galle,
was fascinated by Lankatileka's talents and encouraged him to enter the
Ceylon Technical College in 1932, and he was considered as one of the
best products of the college under J.D.A. Perera, unique portrait artist
who was the art instructor then. He studied oriental and occidental art
at Ceylon Technical College from 1932-1941. After leaving Ceylon
Technical College, he got involved in full time painting. He served at
the Government College of Fine Arts as an art master for many years. He
was awarded the Samaradiwakara prize for his brilliant work. From 1933
he exhibited his work and carried away several prizes and certificates
each year.
An artist's impression
of Saradius Lankatileke |
Lankartilake continued to paint his cynical pictures of human
character, with its tragedy, its cheerlessness, its stupidity, its
savagery, its emptiness, its grief and its occasional glimpses of
nobility. His sitters included well-known personalities of our country
as the late President J.R. Jajewardene, Ven. Narada, Dr. G.P.
Malalasekera and Brig. C.P. Jayawardana. Some of these portraits adorn
the walls of the Ceylon Society of Arts Gallery as permanent exhibits.
As a portrait Lankatilake was considered the best among the very few
portrait painters we have in Sri Lanka.
As a versatile artist his work executed in the oriental and western
style speaks volumes hung in the permanent collection of the Art Gallery
'Lord Buddha and two disciples and at the Bazaar.'
He has exhibited his work in many capitals of the world, bringing
credit to Sri Lanka. He has won many awards in postage stamp
competitions and he was responsible for designing the exhibition crest
for Colombo exhibition and had won several awards from art exhibitions
organised by the Ceylon Society of Arts. He also had been vice president
of the Ceylon Society of Arts for many years.
His name appeared in Stanley Gibben's World stamp album as a stamp
designer. For 32 years he had held post as the chief art designer in
Government departments such as 'Laksala' Cottage Industries Rural
Development, and Commerce and Industries. He left behind him one of the
greatest names as a brilliant oil painters in Sri Lanka.