Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 14 November 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

President's swearing-in:

Opening of new vistas for national development

State Management Reforms Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said the swearing-in of President Mahinda Rajapaksa for his second term in office would be a national event. The Government calls upon everyone to promote it as a national event, irrespective of political hues. The Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer said the main focus of the government under the Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma for the next six years will be on self-sufficiency of new vistas for national development. Budget 2011 will also reflect these priorities.

Q: You are the Chairman of the Organising Committee of the swearing-in ceremony. What is the significance of this event for the country and the people?

A: We want to promote it as a national event. Surely the people who elected the President for the second term must see what is happening in the country. Therefore, it will be a national event.

Q: What are the main events planned for the swearing-in?

A: The program will commence on November 15 and continue till 22, the day Budget 2011 will be presented. Even the Budget is connected to the program.

Q: Will any development projects be launched to mark the event?

A: Yes. Various projects are under way in many Grama Niladari divisions. Some of these are expected to be completed during the period November 15 to 22. There will be certain large scale projects yet incompleted.

However, we hope to complete the small scale projects that would benefit the people on the periphery.

Q: Will there be any special events in the North and the East in connection with the swearing-in?

A: The national event will cover the whole country.

Q: Is there any truth in the allegations that the government is organising tamashas for one week to mark the swearing-in?

A: It is not a question of tamashas. In the first instance, this is a national event. We have called upon our people not to treat this as a party matter, but one beyond political hues and race.

It must be treated as a national event. Even the propaganda machinery on this program is geared to realise this objective. It will not portray our partisan politics. Our people have been instructed not to display their photographs, since this is a national event.

Q: How do you evaluate the significant changes effected during the first term of the Presidency?

A: The exhibition (Freedom) to be held at Independence Square from November 17 - 20 will reflect the changes effected. It will clearly indicate what progress we have made and what development programs were initiated during the past five years.

Q: Are you satisfied with the rate of economic growth registered during the past few years?

A: Yes, statistics indicate the rapid growth in the development sphere.

Q: Now that the war is over, what will be the government's main focus under the Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma for the next six years after the swearing-in?

A: The President will address the nation on November 19. The main focus will be on self sufficiency. We want to make this country a place for all to live in peace. Economic development alone will not be able to fulfil the target. With economic development, we must make the people understand the value of humanity. Let us be compassionate!. Terrorism propagated hatred during the past 30 odd years. We want society to disown hatred. Let there be compassion, kindness and tolerance. All these values need be encouraged.

Q: What are the steps being taken to foster reconciliation among the people?

A: Already a Commission is sitting. We will have to wait for its recommendations.

Q: What are the main factors affecting the performance of the State sector? What are the reforms being contemplated or implemented by your Ministry in the State sector to make it more dynamic?

A: We are working closely with the Public Administration Ministry. We don't act on our own. This Ministry has been dealing with the public sector for the past so many years. I was also Public Administration Minister some time ago. We have called upon the public to submit their proposals to reform the public sector. We shall implement them in collaboration with the Public Administration Ministry. My Ministry itself does not have implementing machinery. Even the training institutes are under the Public Administration Ministry. So we are working in collaboration with that Ministry at present.

We have launched a pilot project in Kalutara to train public servants in the use of technology and science. A computer centre was also opened. We can't progress without technology and science. The World is moving forward fast, whether one likes it or not. We can't be stagnant. We must move forward.

Therefore the IT sector has to be developed. That is why we started the program in Kalutara as a pilot project three weeks ago. We want to know in six months' time how far it has progressed. Thereafter, we will extend the project to other districts as well.

Q: How can we create an attitudinal change in the State sector employees?

A: It should be done methodically. We should see that government servants complete at least five hours of honest work a day because there is an allegation that they fail to complete more than three hours of work. If we can increase it to five hours, it would be a great achievement. There are various problems faced by the employees such as inadequate transport facilities. Sometimes they find it difficult to come on time due to lack of proper transport facilities which we should improve. We can lay down the terms and conditions when we have improved the infrastructure. Punctuality is very important. We must understand the problems affecting public servants. Most of the government employees working in Colombo don't have adequate housing facilities in Colombo. Sometimes, they travel even from Galle and Matara. We should understand these problems and provide our own solutions with their cooperation.

Q: What benefits would the forthcoming budget provide for State employees and institutions?

A: I cannot disclose Budget secrets. Certainly the budget will herald a new path for the future development of Sri Lanka. Whether it is the public sector or the private sector, all will have to contribute to make this country a happy place where we could live together.

Q: Will the budget provide relief to the people?

A: The budget will lay down the guidelines for a self sufficient country with an emphasis on human qualities to be developed. This is the new horizon that we are looking at.

Q: How do you review the development under Mahinda Chinthana during the past five years?

A: People know of the development projects launched by the Government.

New harbours, power generation plants and other mega development projects have been implemented. All these have contributed to the national well-being. It is not necessary to repeat them. When you go to the Eastern Province, you will see how the road network has been improved. I was surprised at the rapid rate at which development takes place.

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