Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 21 November 2010





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Government Gazette

Patriotism, leadership hallmarks of President


President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is a multifaceted visionary and made impossible the possible, means a lot to Sri Lankans and would definitely make the country the 'marvel of Asia' during his second term of Presidency, Mass Media and Information Minister and Cabinet Spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella said.

Explaining the objective behind the week long celebrations prior to President Rajapaksa's swearing in ceremony for the second term, he said it was not a 'tamasha' or 'an extravaganza' but planned to motivate people to rally around the President to take up the challenge of developing the country in the aftermath of the war.

"The entire world is looking at this country, which was considered to be under the most turbulent times two years ago, now turned into a country with huge potential", he said.

In an interview with the Sunday Observer he said instead of looking at the name 'Rajapaksa' in the Government, people should value the contribution made by 'Rajapaksas' to bring freedom, unity, development and a peaceful future.

Excerpts from the interview:


Q: President Rajapaksa enters history as the leader who united the country but how do ordinary people perceive him ?

A: He means a lot to them. He is everything to Sri Lankans who were in fear for over 30-years due to terrorism. He is the leader who was committed fully to destroy LTTE.

President Rajapaksa is the only leader who dealt with terrorism.

He overcame the myths and engraved into the minds of people that the LTTE could be defeated.

He gave confidence to people and the Security Forces that it could be destroyed. He focused on that single goal until he reaped the outcome.

People had faith in him knowing that he would make the impossible possible. He kept the promise during his first term.

He would achieve his second target - development - in his second term. He is the future for all Sri Lankans.

Q: The President's vision for the second term is development. Is it a possible target before he ends his second term as the country needs a huge development drive after the devastation due to the prolonged war?

A: Yes, he will keep to the promise as he promised during his first term. He has proved to the rest of the world that what was once impossible is possible. People of this country had manifested and endorsed faith in him with a 1.8 million majority at the past election. He also has a responsibility to deliver what he has promised. He needs the assistance of all people.

The whole idea of having a week in connection with the inauguration of the second term of the President is to give confidence that the second challenge after destroying terrorism can be achieved and to prepare their minds to take up the challenge. After meeting the most impossible target in his first term in office, now he is striving for the second - driving the whole country for development. the uniqueness of his planning during his first term in office was that while he embarked on a massive challenge of meeting and destroying the LTTE, he started development projects which the previous governments neglected. Nobody was talking about Hambantota and it was left aside. It was a dream but he decided on its commencement and did it. Norochcholai is the same. He proved his ability to strongly focus towards a single direction and strive for it until it's accomplished. He applied this theory to defeat the LTTE.

He always said that while we were fighting terrorism we should think of solving other serious issues. He did not want those issues to prop up once the war is over.

This shows how versatile his thinking is. He is a visionary in his own way.

Q: All Presidents had simple swearing-in ceremonies. Why is it a week long celebration this time?

A: Well it is the significance of this ceremony. There is a marked difference. It was started with a massive tree planting campaign. We have started it by giving a valuable gift to the future generation.

We have had enough and more tree planting campaigns earlier and those trees were just planted and nobody was there to look after them. But this time it was carried out according to a plan. Each tree has a certificate and an evaluation report will be prepared annually.

This campaign has ended up with planting two million trees and if half of that amount - one million trees survive - it will help make the country greener and also contribute towards reducing global warming. This will help find solutions to global warming, preserve the rainforest, increase forestation.

The 'Nidahasa' is not just an exhibition. Having an exhibition which shows our proud history, its ancient irrigation systems, religion, Buddhist civilization, engineering, architecture, food habits and even clothing, we want to rejuvenate the mindset of people to embark on the new journey - development. We want to make them aware Sri Lanka is full of resources and potential to walk towards the desired goal.

This is a very aggressive journey towards development. The Government has a target to make Sri Lanka a miracle of Asia.

We cannot achieve this overnight but need to motivate people and make them focus towards this single direction.

The President's unwavering political leadership had overcome terrorism and has created a better and a peaceful environment. The entire world is looking at this country which now has a huge potential.

These did not happen overnight. It was the sheer determination, patriotism and correct leadership of President Rajapaksa that brought about the achievements. He has given us a united country to live and to reach these targets. Now his motive is to work together shedding all difference to reach the desired target - making the country the miracle of Asia.

Q: Some say that this celebration is too much for a country striving for development in the aftermath of a deadly war and the funds could be used in a more meaningful way. What is your comment?

A: As I explained earlier when all these aspects are combined together, how can one call it a tamasha or an extravaganza?

Critics can say it is a tamasha but when we look at the cost of this entire program it cost less than the military expenditure on a day when the war was on. When considering the outcome of the program it is invaluable.

Q: Certain media have described the opening of development projects like Hambantota Port and Norochcholai Coal Power project as shams. Your comments?

A: President Rajapaksa is the only leader who foresaw the future and continued with the country's development while engaged in a war with the LTTE. We don't want to argue with these critics, but the reality is for all to see.

We would leave room for so-called critics to air their views. Their views will not stop us or make an impact on what we are doing. That is the vibrant democracy prevailing under the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime.

Q: There are allegations that the majority of allocations are only pumped to develop the North and the East and Hambantota while the rest of the country lacks development?

A: I don't think that is true. Of course there is no doubt that the North and the East needs special attention as they were devastated for over 30 years. These areas need additional attention and development.

Hambantota was rated as one of the poorest districts and needed development as it was neglected. On the other hand, yes, it is the birthplace of the President. So he has a special love for Hambantota.

He decided to build the harbour because of its prime location close to the East-West sea route. Can one say this harbour could be built in Polonnaruwa? Those who criticize these make one laugh.

Q: There are claims that instead of democracy this government brings 'familocracy'. How do you respond to this allegation?

A: It is not the name of the person that matters but his or her contribution.

Today, Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa is doing a great job. He has been able to bring back the dignity and the decorum of Parliament. I am now experiencing this change. He is doing a yeoman service to bring back the previous glories to Parliament.

There was a time the dignity of the Parliament was a matter of concern but today I am proud to be a Parliamentarian. Take Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. The entire country is appreciating what he did and what he is doing today. Suppose, he is a Jayasinghe, people will still say he is the best ever. But because he is a Rajapaksa and the brother of the President people say things.

But what matters is the work he does. Minister Basil Rajapaksa really works hard to develop the nation. He has accomplished his missions.

Though critics say things about the Rajapaksas, ordinary people are not interested whether he is a Rajapaksa or a Samarasinghe but what matters is whether they deliver. When you ask for their personal views about the contribution of the Rajapaksas, they will say they are excellent in delivering their share of responsibility.

Q: The international media has once again come up with another video clip to 'prove' alleged war crimes during the final stages of the battle. How do you see this trend?

A: This is media and they love to keep things alive whether there is a substance or not in their stories. But they lose their credibility. I must say Al Jazeera by running this unauthenticated story lost their credibility. Sensationalization is a part of the media. Dealing with a future of a country and also its war situations are highly sensitive issues and need careful reporting.

The Government denies all these allegations and I regret to note the irresponsibly reporting of a channel like Al Jazeera.

Q: Do you pinpoint to pro-LTTE elements for creating such videos?

A: Yes, of course. They have lots of money and they need to claim this money. They show the world that we are doing something for this money. The US has categorically named the LTTE as the most ruthless terrorist organization and it is banned in the country. But in spite of this the LTTE engages in their activities. France has also allowed a statue of ruthless terrorist Thamilselvam. I would like to ask these states whether they would allow anything of Bin Laden or Al-Qaeda. They have double standards and they have proved it by allowing the LTTE to continue their activities.

It is sad to note this while having very good international relations with these nations but we also have to point out when they fundamentally go wrong. They can come out with whatever arguments but those who are responsible need to act responsibly.

Q: While the Government denies and claims that these videos are trying to tarnish the image of the country, the foreign media keep on making allegations against the Government. If these are false allegations, what action can the Government take against such media institutions in future?

A: The government has expressed its protest and has also taken necessary action by communicating with them. We have expressed our displeasure while strongly rejecting all these accusations that prop up from time to time.

Q: Once it was reported that visas for the Al Jazeera media team were denied. Will they be blacklisted ?

A: I suppose this is also again a sensationalized issue and also interested parties try to create such sensationalised issues and to capitalize on it to gain their motives.

Knowing this we deal with such issues in a different manner. We have enough and more media freedom. Therefore, we don't have to keep on reminding them. The Government hopes that media with ulterior motives and have different agendas will act in a responsible manner.

Q: It was reported that President Rajapaksa's trip to UK was cancelled as there was a possibility of legal action against him on alleged war crimes. What is the truth in this issue?

A: We are well aware about what happened and I don't want to go into details. President Rajapaksa is absolutely confident about what he did and he is prepared to face any challenge on behalf of the country.

I personally know that these fabricated stories have not deterred him a wee bit.

I don't think anyone should try to under-estimate the standards, foreign relationship and the Government's knowledge on handling the issues. We know what to do and these rumours surfaced as he postponed this trip because of the inauguration of the second term on November 19, the budget and he is busy with some other engagements. But he is visiting the UK soon.

Q: The Government is fully focused on development but the defense budget has increased in the post conflict period. Why? Is it because the government plans to continue post war militarization?

A: When we needed the military hardware, many countries issued us the necessary equipment over the counter and said we could make the payments later.

It is true that the war is over but we have to settle the payments without placing much burden on the government finances.

Especially we do not want to be a debt ridden country and also need to respect the assistance of those countries that came forward to help us by settling their debts.

I am confident that President as the Finance Minister is quite capable of managing this issue.

The other reason that we can't just scrap the defense allocation within a year is become we have to feed and look after a Force of over 300,000 troops. Though the war is over we cannot send them home.

How can it be an attempt at militarization since the troops are deployed in development activities? The land occupied by the military is gradually being released with the restoration of the civil administration in the North and the East.

Q: After defeating terrorism, Tamils have high hopes that their grievances would be met through a political solution. What are your views on this?

A: The President is very clear about solving this issue and said he would amend the 13th Amendment to solve the problem. We are looking at this seriously and will bring a home grown solution for it.

Q: Will the Government be having a more extensive dialogue with Tamil parties on this issue?

A: Yes, all stakeholders will be taken in and doors are open for anybody who is interested in joining us. We are looking at a much more broader political arena.

Q: The JVP accused the Government for attacking Parliamentarian Sunil Handunnetti in Jaffna. Your comments?

A: We strongly reject this allegation and we don't want to attack an individual like Handunnetti. If they point a finger at us it would be the most hilarious claim this year. They have created the entire political scenario by themselves. People have treated them the way they should be treated. Their political party is in the doldrums and they also need some 'issues' for their survival. They have planned this and now try to put the blame on the Government as they tried with the university crisis.

This shows the bankruptcy of this political party. This is a matter that the law enforcement authorities need to deal with.

Q: What steps should the UNP take to make their party strong?

A: I don't think the present UNP leadership feels the pulse of the people. They are not with the ordinary people. They are now facing the consequences of not being with the people. If they want to be strong they should go to the grassroots.

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