Sri Sambuddha Jayanthi:
Most significant event in Buddhist world
Sakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama Buddha symbolised sublime peace and
compassion. This universal intellectual, the all wise all compassionate
world teacher was gifted to the universe for the good of the humanity.
His search for the truth Kim Kusala Gavesi leading to enlightenment was
the most amazing and significant event in global history. He was no
supernatural being. In his last life he was born in a Sakyan family
amidst luxurious comfort and excessive extravagance but renounces all
comforts, wife and only son, enters the solitude of the forest and by
intense meditation discovers the eternal truth.
Out of compassion for the suffering humanity he determines to be a
Buddha to lead the countless humans into Bliss. With boundless love,
self sacrifice and culture of the mind he did discover the supreme truth
and gifted it to the world. The world with open arms was ready for the
spiritual Bliss the humanity had ever known. Having occupied the diamond
seat (Wajrasana) under the "Tree of Enlightenment" touching the wide
earth in the Bhoomi Sparasha Mudra, he was determined not to move unless
he is blessed with Supreme Enlightenment.
The buddha preaching
dhamma to his followers |
Heaven and earth trembled the Devas applauded, the great Master
realising the four noble truths experienced the joy of Vimukthi under
the Patra tree the blissful Sri Maha Bodhi at Bodh Gaya, the fountain of
Buddhism, where he was bequeathed with perfect wisdom, the truth of
life. What he gave the world was essentially a spiritual discipline. His
doctrine the message of the Dhamma, practice and realisation constitute
the holy Sasana of the Buddha.
Among them doctrine occupies the first and foremost place. He taught
his doctrine in the form of a way of life to the followers to attain the
ultimate reality of Nibbana. This widely accepted doctrine has spread
far and wide exercising influence on all around us lasting beyond 2,500
years. Buddhists the world over were preparing to celebrate from May
1956 the Buddha Jayanthi which marked the 2500th anniversary of the
Buddhists, the world over considered this an event of special
importance as if it signified the unparalleled marvel of the noble
teachings of the Buddha, occupying a unique position as a guiding light
to humanity. They were overjoyed that if it continued to be upheld
globally and followed by them with great honour and respect. They
believed that the 2500th anniversary of the Buddha's Parinibbana will
witness an amazing spiritual awakening in the Buddhist world, which it
did spontaneously.
The spiritual upsurge of a major part of the global population,
exerted an enormous influence on the rest of mankind. Buddhism made the
nations that came under its influence both peace-loving and kindhearted.
Hence the last Buddha Jayanthi was a remarkable event which brought into
focus the immense service.
Buddhism had rendered the humanity during the last 25 centuries. The
message of the Buddha gave humanity mental peace and happiness. Yet
prior to the Buddha Jayanthi era the above blessings were far from them.
The world had become a battlefield with the two world wars (1914 and
1942) and the devastation caused by the atomic and hydrogen bombs.
Still later, with amazing technological advancement, life seemed to
be guided by materialistic ideals and consequently, deadlier and more
harmful weapons were turned out in a mad struggle for power and glory.
In this backdrop of turmoil and conflict the Buddha - Jayanthi brought
the message of hope. Buddhists the world over celebrated in a fitting
manner, this unique historic occasion. The Buddha Jayanthi therefore
strengthened and improved the moral network of the Buddhist nations in
keeping with the noble teachings - love and compassion, peace and
With the missionary activities of Emperor Asoka in Asia and the
consequent advent of his son.
Thera Mahinda this paradise isle was illumined with the light of the
Dhamma giving the name Dharmadweepa - the land of the Dhamma. Ever since
there was an amazing spiritual awakening among the people of this
island. The Buddha too had made a prediction to this effect at the time
of his Parinibbana.
When Lord Sakra, the chief of gods, had visited him the Buddha had
requested him to safeguard Sri Lanka and its people commenting that his
Dhamma will be well preserved and practised here better than in any
other country. Accordingly the 2500th anniversary was celebrated with
much grandeur and splendour. Sri Lanka had won praise and fame for the
unique importance attached to Buddha Jayanthi.
All celebrations in the name of the Blessed Master and his supreme
Dhamma, aimed at bringing about a righteous society promoting human
wellbeing and moral stability. All worked in pursuit of the Dhamma and a
righteous way of living, freeing them from evil forces of greed, anger
and ignorance.
All Buddhist organisations and social groups islandwide devoted their
time to religious activities. Charity was given prominence through human
kindness. Giving alms, helping the poor and resurgence in Dhamma
activities were among the many commendable services. What great heroes
such as Anagarika Dharmapala had done for the cause of Buddhism was
admired and upheld by Buddhists and it enabled them to purify their
thoughts and improve their morality.
This was exhibited in numerous ways. Truly speaking the Buddha
Jayanthi ushered in a variety of religious activities. This gave life to
a long standing religious tradition coming down from ancient Buddhist
civilisation. The true significance of the noble teachings were made
known to the people. The consumption of liquor and meat was discouraged
whenever and wherever possible. They even retrieved animals from death
through mercy, and the emotions and sentiments thus experienced gave
them a new lease of life, purely Buddhistic.
The Buddha Jayanthi unified the masses into a disciplined way of life
emphasising the oneness of Buddhist society. There was a literary and
cultural revival as well. The true expression of the Dhamma was
reflected in the literature of the day as it was truly based on
Buddhism. Various Associations such as the Government Services Buddhist
Association, YMBA institutions in the principal cities came into being,
with publications of the highest order.
Vesak Sirisara, the Buddhist annual is an outstanding example. Today
amidst the ocean of publications it has become a part of our national
heritage which captivates the hearts of not only Buddhists, but also
others. The All Ceylon Buddhist Congress is a historic landmark in the
annals of Sri Lankan Buddhist history.
Buddhist scholars
Numerous publications were seen during the eve of the Buddha Jayanthi.
International Buddhist magazines too appeared on the scene. Scholarly
bhikkhus such as Ven. Ananda Maitriya, Walpola Rahula, Narada Maha Thera,
Vajiragnana, Ariyadhamma and Soma Thera had deep concern and dedication
to promote the Dhamma. This had a great impact on Buddha Jayanthi
After Independence the Buddhists believed that a renaissance of
Buddhism was in the offing.
Then came the Buddha Jayanthi in 1956 which was celebrated on a
national level. Apart from the books written by the Ven. bhikkhus and
the articles contributed, a galaxy of intellectual lay Buddhist scholars
rendered a remarkable service, becoming a massive force in the reformist
movement leading to Buddha Jayanthi.
Among them were Sir D.B. Jayatilleka Prof. G.P. Malalasekera, De
Abrew, K.N. Jayatilleka, R.S. Karunaratna, Alec Robertson, F.R.
Jayasuriya and Ariyapala. Nemsiri too. Then the living giants of
Buddhism of the present day, such as Ananda Guruge, Raja Kuruppu, S.
Gamalath, Raja D. Alwis, Olcott Gunasekera, Y. Karunadasa, Lorna
Devaraja, C. Wijebandara, Marasinghe (space does not permit me to do
justice to all of them) are a source of inspiration and their superior
wisdom and wealth of knowledge is directed towards the promotion of
Arrangements are being made to celebrate the Buddha Jayanthi overseas
too. It is said that the success of the inaugural conference of the
World Fellowship of Buddhists headed by Prof. Malalasekara, the founder
President led to the success of the Buddha Jayanthi. This will be a good
eye opener for those involved in planning the 2600th anniversary.