Cultural DIARY
Nihanda Novu Sakshi - 2

Dr. Saratchandra Kodikara's latest book "Nihanda Novu Sakshi - 2"
will be launched at Dayawansa Jayakody Bookshop, Ven S. Mahinda Mawatha,
Colombo 10; on November 30 at 10.00 a.m.
The book is a Dayawansa Jayakody publication.
Aparadha Adhikaranayaka
Adversarial procedure in a
criminal court in out line
Author: P.W. Jayathilaka |
Adversarial system evolved in Great Britain during the Anglo-Saxon
period. The system is designed to investigate the alleged offences,
identify suspects and prosecute them in a court of law by the police.
Courts will in turn decide on the guilt or otherwise of the suspect on
the strength of the available evidence which demands corroboration.
Presumption of innocence, proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt,
evidential rules are salient features of the adversarial system. The
objective of the whole exercise is to safeguard the citizen's personal
Author Jayathilaka who is an Attorney-at-Law and a Solicitor in
England and Wales has meticulously out lined the importance and working
of adversarial system to the benefit of lawyers, law students and
ordinary citizens.
Carnatic vocal debut

Carnatic vocal debut by Vijei Abinandan and Apayakaran will be held
at New Kathiresan hall Bambalapitiya on December 4 at 5.30 p.m. The
chief gust will be Prof.(Mrs) Prameela Gurumoorthy, Head of Indian Music
Faculty of the University of Chennai.
City in Transit- Bangalore

An exhibition of art works entitled " City in Transit-Bangalore" ,
showcasing multimedia and other visual works capturing the dynamics of
the city of Bangalore will be held at Red Dot Gallery, 36 A, Baddagana
Road South, Pitakotte on December 3, at 6.30 p.m.
Participating artists include Jayaram Suresh, M.S. Umesh, V.G.
Venugopal and Madhu..
The multimedia show will have documentaries on Bangalore,video art
projections,prints and photographs of the artist Surekha, Ravi Kashi,
Cristoph Stroz, Madhu.D, Sunoj.D, Venu.V.G, Shanthamani, Gautam Sonti
and Usha.
The Exhibition will remain open from 4th to 15th December 2010
Who is the baby?
The Concert XI," Who is the baby?" presented by the Peradeniya
Singers will be held in Kandy on December 4 at 6.30pm at Girls' High
School Hall and in Colombo on December 18 at 7.00 pm at St. Paul's
Church, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8.
The proceeds from these concerts will be devoted entirely to two
charities-The Deaf and Blind School at Dodanwela, Kandy and the Retired
Music Teachers' Fund.
Nationalism and Art
A public lecture entitled "Nationalism and Art" will be delivered by
Prof. Jagath Weerasinghe at 4.00 pm, on December 1 at the Post Graduate
Institute of Archaeology, PGIAR, 407, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7.
Chinese film festival

" Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon" is one of the films shown in the
Chinese Film festival curremtly being held at the National Film
Corperation's theatre. Films will be screened on November 28, 29 and 30.
Each day, the screenings begin at 3.30 p.m., with the exception of
November 30. |