Who wants to live for ever?
A scientific breakthrough could mean humans live for hundreds of
By tweaking our DNA, we could soon survive for hundreds of years - if
we want to. Steve Connor reports on a breakthrough that has the science
world divided
A genetically engineered organism that lives 10 times longer than
normal has been created by scientists in California. It is the greatest
extension of longevity yet achieved by researchers investigating the
scientific nature of ageing.
If this work could ever be translated into humans, it would mean that
we might one day see people living for 800 years. But is this ever going
to be a realistic possibility? Valter Longo is one of the small but
influential group of specialists in this area who believes that an
800-year life isn't just possible, it is inevitable.
It was his work at the University of Southern California that led to
the creation of a strain of yeast fungus that can live for 10 weeks or
more, instead of dying at its usual maximum age of just one week.
By deleting two genes within the yeast's genome and putting it on a
calorie-restricted diet, Longo was able to extend tenfold the lifespan
of the same common yeast cells used by bakers and brewers. The study is
published later this week in the journal Public Library of Science
There is, of course, a huge difference between yeast cells and
people, but that hasn't stopped Longo and his colleagues suggesting that
the work is directly relevant to human ageing and longevity. "We're
setting the foundation for reprogramming healthy life. If we can find
out how the longevity mechanism works, it can be applied to every cell
in every living organism," Longo says.
"We're very, very far from making a person live to 800 years of age.
I don't think it's going to be very complicated to get to 120 and remain
healthy, but at a certain point I think it will be possible to get
people to live to 800. I don't think there is an upper limit to the life
of any organism."
For most gerontologists - people who study the science of ageing -
such statements are almost heretical.
There is a general view in this field that there is a maximum human
lifespan of not more than about 125 years. Jeanne Calment, the oldest
documented person, died at the age of 122 years and 164 days. According
to the orthodox view of ageing, she was one of the few lucky enough to
have reached that maximum, upper limit of human lifespan.
The attitude of most mainstream gerontologists towards the idea that
people may one day live for many centuries - or even 1,000 years, as one
scientific maverick has suggested - is best summed up by Robin Holliday,
a distinguished British gerontologist, in his recent book Aging: The
Paradox of Life. "How is it possible to make these claims?" Holliday
asks. "The first requirement is to ignore the huge literature on ageing
research... The second is to ignore the enormous amount of information
that has been obtained by the study of human age-associated disease; in
other words, to ignore the many well-documented textbooks on human
The third is to propose that in the future, stem-cell technology, and
other technologies, will allow vulnerable parts of the body to be
replaced and/or repaired. The new 'bionic' man will therefore escape
from ageing," Holliday says.
Like many experts on the science of ageing, Holliday is deeply
sceptical about the idea that the ageing process can somehow be
circumvented, allowing people to extend their lives by decades or even
centuries. "The whole [anti-ageing] movement not only becomes science
fiction; it is also breathtakingly arrogant," Holliday says. An immense
hinterland of biomedicine suggests that death at a maximum age of about
125 is inevitable, he says.
But that is precisely what Valter Longo is suggesting with his work
on the yeast that can live longer than 10 weeks. "We got a tenfold
life-span extension, which is, I think, the longest that has ever been
achieved in any organism," he says.
By knocking out two genes, known as RAS2 and SCH9, which promote
ageing in yeast and cancer in humans, and putting the microbes on a diet
low in calories, Longo achieved the sort of life extension that should
in theory be impossible. As Anna McCormick, head of genetics and cell
biology at the US National Institute on Aging, remarked: "I would say
tenfold is pretty significant."
Calorie restriction is now a well-established route to extending the
lives of many organisms, from yeast and nematode worms to fruit flies
and mice.
But the jury is still out on whether calorie restriction can extend
the life of humans, although a diet rich in calories certainly increases
the risk of obesity, diabetes and other life-shortening conditions.
Biologists believe that restricting calories causes many animals to
flip into a state normally reserved for near starvation. Instead of
spending their precious energy reserves on reproduction, they shut down
everything but their basic body maintenance, in preparation for better
times ahead when breeding would stand a better chance of success.
This idea fits in with the more general view that animals tend to
follow one of two life strategies - either one of high fecundity and
short lifespan, or one of long lifespan and low reproductive capacity.
Mice, for example, divert much of their limited resources to high
reproduction, having several litters of young a year, but they have a
short life of just a couple of years. But bats, which are roughly the
same size as mice, have just one or at most two offspring a year, and
can live for 30 years or more. Why one species of animal lives longer
than another of comparable size, and why some animals appear to age
faster and die younger, have been the subject of extensive scrutiny for
As bats and mice show, it is possible for genes to extend lifespan -
so the question is: why do they not do it more often, or even all the
time? And the logical extension of this question is: why do we age at
all? Why don't we live for ever? One of the most convincing answers to
this is known as the disposable soma theory.
In short, the idea is that genes can extend an organism's lifespan,
but only as a trade-off between the costs and benefits of doing so.
It is possible to keep on mending the machinery of the body as it
suffers daily wear and tear, but there comes a point when it is no
longer worthwhile and the costs become too expensive, much like the
point when fixing an increasingly decrepit car gets too much. At this
point the body, or "soma", becomes disposable. By then, though, from the
gene's point of view, it won't matter - as long as it has managed to
"escape" this broken-down body and replicated itself inside the younger,
fitter bodies of the next generation.
Longo says that the disposable soma theory, invented by Professor Tom
Kirkwood of Newcastle University in the late 1970s, is one of the
strongest ideas around to explain the nature of ageing.
However, Longo has another theory that is causing a second group of
scientists to tear their hair out. He believes that ageing may not
simply be a side-effect of the wear and tear of life, but is also a
genetically programmed condition designed to rid the population of aged
individuals to make way for younger ones.
Courtesy: The Independent