Who was St. Nicholas?
To many St. Nicholas is just another name for Santa Claus - jolly and
rotund. To most of Europe and Asia, he is an austere figure dressed in
bishop's robes.
St. Nicholas was born in Patara around 280 AD in Asia Minor and
became bishop of Myra, now Demre, in Turkey. (Myra is a three-hour bus
ride across the mountains from Patara.)
The only definite historical evidence of his life is in the records
of the First Council of Nicaea in 325, which was responsible for
creating the Nicene Creed, a famous statement of doctrine. He was
definitely in attendance, although it's not known what role he may have
played in the meetings and deliberations.Nicholas probably suffered in
the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian, which lasted
until about 311, at which time he would have been around 31-years-old.
The new emperor, Constantine, tolerated and then encouraged and finally
established Christianity as the state religion. Nicholas died about 343.
It was not long after his death that the legends began and his
popularity began to spread.Saint Nicholas lived his adult life in Myra,
where he was the bishop of the city. The Church of Saint Nicholas, in
Myra, was built after his death. "Noel Baba's" remains were placed in a
rock sarcophagus.
Outside the church, in a lush and beautiful park, is a modern statue
of Saint Nicholas complete with beard, bag of toys, and children.
Unlike the American Santa Claus, St. Nicholas is depicted as a tall
thin man, dressed in a hooded robe.
An annual St. Nicholas Festival is held in Myra, for three days
around the saint's official Feast Day, December 6. The celebration
attracts many tourists who spend their Christmas holidays on the sunny
coast of ancient Lycia.
Other than the St. Nicholas recognition in Myra, Christmas is not a
major holiday in Turkey.
Christmas is a Christian tradition and even though there are a lot of
Jewish or Christian people in Turkey, the main religion is Islam so they
don't have Christmas celebrations as part of their national traditions.
Turkey's main celebration in late December salutes the outgoing year and
welcomes the new year.
For the past 10 or 20 years in Turkey, people began to use pine trees
as a decoration for the New Year celebration. However, this is receiving
criticism from some religious groups.
- Bill Egan