SLT receives awards for Annual Report 2009
Sri Lanka Telecom, (SLT) , received two prestigious awards for its
Annual Report 2009: the Gold award under the Information Communication
Technology Category of the Chartered Accountants Annual Report Awards
2009 conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
(ICASL) and the award of the Best Presented Accounts under the
Telecommunications Sector of the Annual Report Awards 2009 conducted by
the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA).
The SAFA award was won for the third consecutive year and the ICASL
Award for the fourth consecutive year.
The awards recognise excellence in preparation, content, format,
presentation, financial accounts and timeliness.
This is testimony to the company's excellence in reporting - its
wholehearted commitment and dedication as well as strong sense of
accountability to its stakeholders to present information in the most
fair and transparent manner whilst maintaining the highest standards of
corporate governance - in line with best global practices.
The SAFA, was established in the year 1984 with the aim of serving
the Accountancy profession in the South Asian region.
It is a pinnacle body of the South Asian Association for Regional
Co-operation (SAARC) as well as a regional grouping of the International
Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
It represents over 170,000 accountants in five South Asian countries:
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The ICASL is the sole accounting and auditing standards setting
authority in Sri Lanka, with over 3500 members and over 25,000
registered students. It is also a Founder member of the SAFA.
It has been conducting the Chartered Accountants' Annual Report
Awards for the past 45 years, with the aim of encouraging organizations
to excel in the presentation of annual report information on par with
global standards and practices.