Four circuit bungalows reopen in Wilpattu
by Dhaneshi YATAWARA
Four circuit bungalows in the Wilpattu National park were reopened
yesterday by Agrarian Services and Wildlife Minister S.M. Chandrasena.
The Park was reopened to the public on August 15 and the Wildlife
Department's circuit bungalows were under renovation for the past
several months.
The bungalows in Kokmotai, Manawila, Panikkawila and Thalawila were
opened yesterday. With the increased number of visitors to the park the
Wildlife Department is taking measures to upgrade the infrastructure
facilities for visitors. Reconstructions of roads built for visitors are
nearing completion.
In order to make water abundant for the wild life the initial plans
will be to renovate ten tanks under the present project. The Army
Engineers Corps has already started on three tanks, Persibendi Wewa,
Palulandagaha Wewa and Maha Wewa. The work is done with technical
collaboration from the Irrigation Department.
Meanwhile the Wildlife Conservation Department opened Sri Lanka's
first Natural Museum in Giritale. "Earlier the Training Centre in
Giritale had a natural museum but was not open to the public and was
used only by the trainees. The new natural museum is now open to the
public," Officer-in-Charge of the Training Centre and Assistant
Director, Gaminie Samarakoon said.
The museum consists of preserved carcasses of rare and endemic
species. The museum is open to the public clearly during working hours.