FIA chief and Michelle Yeoh to visit SL
Michelle Yeoh, an Internationally acclaimed actress, producer and
Miss Malaysia will be visiting Sri Lanka with her husband Jean Todt who
is the President of FIA, which is the world largest motoring
organisation, from 20th to 22nd December 2010, said the Automobile
Association of Ceylon.
Michelle has devoted a major part of her time to charitable and
social endeavours. She is ambassador amFar (The foundation of AIDS
research), Force of Nature, Hong Kong Cancer Fund, ICM (Institute for
Cerebral and Medullary Disorders) and LoveFaithHope Charitable
Michelle Yeoh is also the Global Ambassador for the Make Roads Safe
Campaign, raising awareness about a hidden epidemic that kills 260,000
children every year. She has undertaken fact finding missions across the
world, and is leading the campaign's call for a "Decade of Action for
Road Safety".
In March 2010, she represented Malaysia to address the issues at the
UN General Assembly, and continued to urge for making road safety a
priority over next decade to save millions of lives and to prevent many
millions of lnjuries and disabilities. The Automobile Association of
Ceylon and Ceylon Motor Sports Club who are affiliated to the FIA are
making arrangements for their visits to Sri Lanka. A "Wheels of Parade"
is organised to felicitate their visit on December 22.