North to come under rubber cultivation
by P. Krishnaswamy
With Sri Lankan natural rubber currently attracting great demand in
the international market and fetching the highest ever price of
Rs.400.61, large areas of the former war-torn Northern districts of
Vavuniya, Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu are also to be brought under rubber
Director General of the Rubber Development Department, R.B. Premadasa
told the Sunday Observer that the soil having been experimented with
salutary results, rubber has been planted in seven blocks in five acres
in Mullaitivu on an experimental basis. Larger extents of land in the
three districts will be brought under rubber cultivation under the
development strategy of the Plantation Industries Ministry.
Next year about 200 acres will be brought under rubber cultivation in
the three Northern districts and the forecast of total production for
2016 is 200,000 metric tonnes, he said. Special subsidies are also being
given for re-planting and 'rain-guard cover' during rainy days, he said.
The rubber industry declined primarily due to the long drawn-out
conflict and the districts that were a heaven to the terrorists will now
contribute to the re-bouncing of the industry, he said.
Soil testing for rubber plantations has been carried out in other
non-traditional districts including in Moneragala, Ampara and
Polonnaruwa. An office has been opened in Moneregala and all rubber
plantation expansion projects will be directed from this office.
Tapping was conducted recently in the 50-acre rubber plantation that
was set up six years ago in Padiyatalawa, Mahaoya in the Ampara
district, Premadasa said.