Sugar production to be increased 40% by 2020
The Government plans to increase domestic sugar production by 40
percent by 2020 to reduce cost of imports which was around $248 mln in
2009. The sugar recovery rate and the average cane yield will also be
increased to 20 and 40 percent through use of improved varieties, better
management practices and modern technology.
The new land extent under sugar cane cultivation will be increased by
30,000 ha with irrigation water arrangements in Kantale and Hingurana.
Continuous efforts will be made to revitalise the sugar industry by
refurbishment and modernisation of existing factories and the addition
of new factories.
Sugar contributes nearly 10 percent to the calorie intake of the
population in Sri Lanka. Sugar production in Sri Lanka is 56,000 MT
which is 10 percent of the country’s requirement and annual consumption
is around 550,000 MT. Around 500,000 MT of sugar is imported annually.
Local sugar production commenced in the 1950s initially by the
Government and later with the participation of the private sector for
reduction of importation. Four factories were commissioned in stages up
to 1996 for this purpose.
However, the goals were never achieved and production was below
expectations. Later, objectives were reviewed and it is now expected
that around 40 percent of the national requirement by the year 2020 will
be produced.
The high cost of establishing new factories and the limited
availability of suitable land for sugarcane cultivation is a hindrance
to the expansion of the sector. Development of the domestic sugar
industry would pave the way for the generation of employment and save of
foreign exchange.
Whilst analysing the rate of growth in the production of sugar, the
present trend of per capita consumption and the annual population
growth, it is evident that Sri Lanka would continue to be a market for
sugar producing countries.
Sugar is one of the main food items in Sri Lanka with per capita
consumption of 40kg which is in the high range among world consumption.
Sugarcane is cultivated largely in Kantale, Hingurana, Pelwatte,
Moneragala and Sevanagala areas.
Sugar production in the world spreads across 100 countries. 78
percent is produced out of sugarcane which is primarily grown in
tropical and sub tropical regions of the southern hemisphere. The rest
is produced out of beet grown in temperature zones of the northern
The cost of producing sugar from sugarcane is lower than using beet.
Around 68 percent of the production is consumed by the country of
The International Sugar Organisation (ISO) predicted a sugar surplus
of 11.1 million MT for 2007/08 and a future growth of 2.4 per cent.
Brazil which cultivates over 10mn hectares is the world’s top sugar
producer and exporter and aims to increase the cultivation to 14mn
hectares by 2020.Sugarcane is cultivated in the central/south regions of