SLBFE will increase schols to

Minister Dilan Perera presenting a scholarship to a child of a
migrant worker at a function held in Moneragala recently.
The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) will increase the
number of scholarships granted annually for schoolchildren of migrant
workers from this year.
Under the Bureau's annual scholarship scheme, schoolchildren who pass
the Grade Five Government examination, the GCE Ordinary Level and the
Advanced Level examinations are currently receiving Rs. 15,000, Rs.
20,000 and Rs. 30,000 respectively.
Foreign Employment Promotion Minister Dilan Perera told the Junior
Observer that more funds will have to be allocated when the number of
scholarships offered by the Bureau is increased to benefit more
He said the Government spends colossal sums of money annually to
improve the education standard of children in the country.
The Minister said in addition to these scholarships the Bureau will
also award scholarships to school- leavers of migrant workers who are
interested in following job oriented technical courses and English and
Information Technology courses.
Referring to the scholarship awarding programme, conducted by the
Bureau at Moneragala recently, Minister Perera said that conducting
programmes of this nature will help the children of migrant workers to
pursue higher studies and be the partners of the country's future
economic development activities.
Minister Dilan Perera also highlighted the contribution being made by
Sri Lanka's expatriate workers to swell the country's economy and said
that these workers should be treated as the economy developing heroes'
of our time."Unlike in the past, where we earned most of the foreign
exchange only from tea, rubber and coconut, today the field of foreign
employment has become the country's biggest foreign exchange earner. So,
it is our duty to look after the children of these migrant workers," he
Southern Express Railway commences operations
The newly developed 42 kilometre high speed railway line between
Galle and Matara commenced operations on February 16. The railway line
has been renovated to operate trains at a speed of 100 kilometres per
hour reducing travel time.
The programme to develop the coastal railway line from Matara to
Maradana was launched with Indian financial assistance. In the old track
trains could only operate at speeds of 40km per hour.
The high-speed Southern Railway line project from Matara to Colombo
Fort, was launched on August 1, 2010.The line from Galle to Matara has
been completed as the first phase. Meanwhile, the second phase of the
project will be carried out from Galle to Hikkaduwa. The third phase is
from Hikkaduwa to Kalutara. The final phase is to develop the railway
line from Kalutara to Maradana.
The project carried out with a loan from the Indian government is
estimated to cost over 167.40 million US dollars ."The work on phase-II
of the project from Galle to Kalutara has already commenced and will be
completed early next year," Department sources said.
After completion the Matara-Colombo trains will take a very short
period of time, about two hours to reach the destinations, department
officials said.
by Rohana JAYALAL
Meteorology Department to be modernised
The Disaster Management Ministry is to seek funds from the Government
to upgrade the country's outdated Meteorology Department. The natural
disasters that were experienced in the past few weeks have prompted the
Department and the Ministry to pay urgent attention to the modernisation
of the Meteorology Department.
Disaster Management Minister, Mahinda Amaraweera, will submit a
Cabinet paper seeking Rs. 1.2 billion to modernise the Meteorology
The modernisation programme is aimed at upgrading the standards of
the department to international levels.
The funds are to be used mainly to purchase hi-tech equipment for the
Respiratory ailments due to dry weather
As a result of the dry weather conditions prevalent in the country, a
threat of respiratory ailments has emerged, Colombo Municipal Council
sources said.
This situation was due to the increase in pollutants in the
atmosphere owing to dry weather, said Deputy Chief Medical Officer of
the Colombo Municipal Council, Ruwan Vijayamuni He said that
schoolchildren and street hawkers were the most affected by those
Nutrition and health care as school subjects
The Government has focused its attention on including subjects
pertaining to food, nutrition and health care into the school syllabus,
Ministry of Health sources said.
The decision had been taken to include these subjects to the school
curriculum after taking into consideration the high prevalence of
diabetes, blindness and malnutrition among schoolchildren. The Ministry
said that discussions had already been held with the National Institute
of Education and the Minister of Education, Bandula Gunawardena in this
Obeying road rules, a must
The laws against pedestrians who violate road rules will be strictly
enforced with immediate effect, Sri Lanka Police Department sources
said. Accordingly, the police will fine or produce the offenders before
Police have requested the public to use pedestrian crossings to cross
roads and to obey traffic signals for pedestrians when crossing roads.
Traffic police sources say that most Sri Lankans are extremely careless
about road rules . Not using the pedestrian crossings and walking on the
wrong side of the roads causes many accidents and traffic congestion.
Sri Lanka police are now enforcing traffic laws strictly against
motorists too.
Turtle conservation programmes
The turtle conservation programmes launched by the Sea Turtle
Conservation Centre at Athuruwella in Induruwa will be used to promote
the tourist Industry in the country.
Many such programmes are already under way at the Sea Turtle
Conservation Centre at Athuruwella in Induruwa, Bentota. Tourists
residing in hotels around Bentota will be invited to release the
hatchlings at the centre. More than 150 tourists had participated in the
programme recently. |