3 D to explore oil in Mannar Basin
Advanced methods such as 3 D in oil exploration in the Mannar Basin
were used for the first time despite oil exploration programs being
conducted earlier, said Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat
Director General Dr. Neil De Silva.
The Mannar basin under Sri Lanka's maritime jurisdiction is
approximately 30,000 sq k.m. with water depths over 3,000 metres, he
Dr. de Silva said that there is no sufficient data to assess the size
of our deposits in the basin. In other parts of the world, basins of
similar size have been found to contain several billion barrels of oil
but the geology in the Mannar basin could be quite different, he said.
Seismic studies can only indicate the presence of gas but not oil.
However, seismic studies and current data on wells can indicate only the
potential of oil accumulations.
The proposed wells in the Mannar Basin are referred to as exploration
wells until oil is discovered, he said.