Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 29 May 2011





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

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Academically professionally qualified partner sought by K/G/Buddhist parents living in Canada for their fair and very pretty daughter 21 years old height 5'4" finishing her IT degree in 2012. She inherits substantial assets. Visiting Sri Lanka in June. Caste immaterial. Reply with family details horoscope and contact numbers. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by respectable B/K mother for accomplished, smart daughter 5’4” aged 29 years, educated in a leading girls’ school, dual qualified Management Accountant employed in a leading company. Kuja 8th house. Dowry substantial assets. Reply with horoscope. [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified partner preferably studying or working in USA is sought by G/B parents US citizens for daughter 25 years pretty, fair and slim 5’4” inches completed her PHD in a leading University in USA. Caste immaterial. Visiting Sri Lanka in September. Reply with family details. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified partner, fluent in English, from Sri Lanka or USA is sought for our beautiful daughter by respectable Sri Lankan Buddhist parents from Colombo, Sri Lanka presently living in the USA. She is a decent young girl, a US citizen, studied in a leading Buddhist school in Colombo, brought up with traditional values based on Buddhism. Living in Los Angeles, loves nature, reading, poetry, music, travelling and painting. She is 29 years old, 5’6” in height and light complexioned, holds a US degree in Biology. She is a micro biologist presently studying 1st year in medical school in Carribean. Divorced after a very short marriage, she has one sister, married, father is a retired Marine Radio Officer. Mother owns a preschool in Los Angeles. If you are interested in pursuing the matter, please reply with a picture and copy of the horoscope or the date and time of birth to match the horsocopes. Hope to hear from you soon. Email - [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified sober habits partner sought by retired teacher parent for their pretty daughter medical doctor (MD, Mphil) 36 years, 5’2” Durawa Roman Catholic, caste immaterial. Reply with family details. [email protected]

Academically professionally qualified partner is sought by Kandyan G/B parents for their daughter 25 yeas old 5’4” pleasant smart holding a Degree, employed private firm. Reply with horoscope. Email [email protected]

Academically qualified partner below 37 years, preferably working in Australia is sought by professional BG parents presently in Australia for their academically and professionally qualified daughter 34 years, slim attractive and 5’3” in height. She is an Australian citizen and holds masters in IT. Currently she is working in a prestigious bank in Melbourne as a Program Analyst. Reply with family details and contact number. Email : [email protected]

Academically qualified son seeks Govi Bodu parents for their daughter 34 yrs. 5’ Asst. Manager finance in a leading firm Colombo. Contact: 2-795200.

Academically /professionally qualified, well-mannered partner sought by respectable Buddhist parents residing abroad for daughter, 24 years, 5’3”, slim, pretty and well-educated. She completed her Masters degree in London (UK) and is currently studying for her DMD degree at a prestigious university in the USA. We are seeking a kind-hearted professoinal of good character with a strong academic background. Western eduacted or willing to reside overseas. Please respond with horoscope details (date / time / place of birth) to [email protected]

Academically / professionally qualified decent partner sought by G/B respectable parents for their very attractive, well brought up daughter 26 yrs, 5’3” holding dual citizenship, qualified at leading university in Australia with BSc. MSc well employed in a reputed company. Please forward replies with horoscope. [email protected]

Academically / professionally qualified N/S, T/T kind hearted sincere son with a good moral character below 30 years, willing to reside preferably in New Zealand or Sri Lanka is sought by respectable Govi - B/C parents residing in New Zealand, for their pretty, fair, well brought up daughter 24, 5’2” (Kuja in 1st House). Studied at a leading private school in Colombo and later in NZ and will be completing her degree in HR and Management in June 2011. At present she works part-time in a reputed NZ Finance Company. Only brother professionally qualified Engineer working for an international company. Visiting Sri Lanka in June/July. Please respond with full family details, horoscope and contact details. Email: [email protected] Tel. 0332223271.

Academically/professionally qualified partner with Australian residency willing to settle in Australia permanently below 33 from a respectable family is sought by professional Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia for their daughter Australian born and educated, slim, fair in complexion, stylish 5’3’’ 27 years, university qualified, Chartered Accountant. Please respond with family details and horoscope to [email protected]

Affluent BG parents Col-suburbs seek suitable partner for only daughter fair, slim, young looking professionally qualified 37 - 61” residing & well-employed in Australia in International Bank. Owns valuable assets in Sri Lanka. Reply with horoscope. ([email protected]). T. 4801291.

An academically or professionally qualified partner is sought by Sinhalese Buddhist parents for their very fair, beautiful daughter with professional qualifications and university degree, 5 ft 3 in, 34 years. Family resident in Australia. Send family details with horoscope. [email protected]

An academic or professional partner is sought for fair, very pretty girl 5’2”, 36 years with University degree and professional qualifications by Sinhala Buddhist parents, domiciled in Australia. Innocent divorcee. Send full details with horoscope. [email protected]

A B/G Kandyan parents seek a well mannered suitable partner with sober habits for their daughter. Studied in a leading school Kandy, currently working as an Executive for a multinational company in Colombo. She is 29 years 5’1” attractive slim and medium in complexion. She draws a six-figure salary with other perks and owns a car. Reply with family details and horoscope.

A professional partner is sought by Sinhala/R.C family for educated daughter migrated to Australia as a permanent resident. She is professionally employed, attractive, kind hearted, well mannered, slim, studied at Holy Family Convent, Colombo 4 and in her late thirties. [email protected]

A suitable son is sought for 31+ slim 5’3” pretty B/G daughter (Kuja 8) employed in Melbourne. 011-2781525. [email protected]

A suitably qualified son is sought for slim, fair, pretty daughter, Financial Controller of a prestigious company with a very good salary. 38 yrs, 5’3”, Australian PR holder. A car and other movable & immovable assets available as dowry. Malefic horoscope. Parents B/D, but other castes considered. e-mail: [email protected]

Buddhist well connected business family seeks suitable qualified partner for their pretty, smart youngest daughter educated in leading school in Colombo, graduate, Business Administration, 25 years, 5'3", employed in the family business. Reply with full particulars, horoscope, email and contact No. Email: [email protected] 42308, C/o Sunday Observer, Lake House, Colombo.

Buddhist well connected business family seeks suitable qualified partner for their pretty, smart tall daughter educated in leading school in Colombo, graduated from National University Singapore, 26 years, 5'7" employed in a Research Institute in Singapore with PR. Reply with full particulars, horoscope, email and contact No. Email: [email protected] 42307, C/o Sunday Observer, Lake House, Colombo.

Bodu Govi parents, Colombo suburb seek professionally qualified partner with good personality for their daughter, 27 years, English lecturer of a Government Higher Educational Institute. She inherits substantial assets including modern house and new car. TP. 011-2650449. E-mail: [email protected]

Buddhist Govi parents seek academically & professionally qualified (Doctor, Engineer or equivalent) fair handsome kind hearted partner for their fair, slim, pretty 5 feet tall MBBS Doctor daughter just turned 29 years and serves in senior position in Government overseas. Reply with horoscope family details. Email: [email protected]

Buddhist Govi professional parents in UK seek professional partner preferably a doctor, below 31 years above 5’8” for fair pretty 26 year old doctor daughter with impecable character. Email: [email protected]

Buddhist parents seek professionally qualified partner for 27 years old daughter who is residing in Australia. Please reply with family details and horoscope via e mail: [email protected]

Buddhist parents seek professionally qualified T/T N/S partner (preferably from UK) for their daughter 31+ 5’2” B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering employed as a Building Service Engineer. British citizen with Buddhist traditional values. Reply with family details & horoscope. Email: [email protected]

Buddhist professional family seeks academically professionally qualified partner for only daughter 27 - 5’5’’, slim, fair, pretty, accomplished MBBS Doctor. Caste immaterial. Please reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail: [email protected]

B/G parents from Colombo seek academically / professionally qualified partner preferably willing to reside Melbourne Australia for their daughter with post graduate qualification in Law and Commerce. Age 29, 5’4” fair slim. Presently on holiday in Sri Lanka. Please contact with family details horoscope 0112724178 [email protected]

B/G retired parents of Co. Sub seek professionally academically qualified partner of similar age with sober habits for Doctor daughter (PhD) holds prestigious position. Govt. service. She is 42 yrs 5.4” slim fair V. pretty divorced after brief marriage. Reply with horoscope. [email protected] 0113173898.

B/G Salagama Colombo suburb respectable parents seek academically, professionally qualified kind and caring son with good qualities for their elder daughter 21+ 5’3” fair and pretty educated in a leading school in Colombo, undergraduate (ACCA). Reply with horoscope, family details and contact number. [email protected] 0112646094.

B/K parents seek for their 30 year old overseas qualified Hons. Graduate daughter a smart, outgoing professional partner. She currently draws a six-figure salary and has substantial Colombo-based assets and investments. Please write with family details to [email protected] or P.O. Box No.


B/K parent from a respectable family seeks a kind-hearted, caring son with sober habits for 29 year old, fair pretty daughter, Australian permanent resident, academically and professionally qualified and well-employed in Australia. She is a devoted Buddhist with exemplary qualities and a pleasing personality. She inherits substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope in the first letter. [email protected]

Catholic parents in USA seek educated partner for their daughter 28 5’6” professional and well employed prefer from USA religion immaterial. Please reply with full details Email [email protected]

Colombo B/G parents seek educated suitable partner for their daughter 5’3” height fair 33 years working as an Administrator in a leading company in Dubai. Studied at leading girls school in Colombo. Reply with horoscope. E.mail - [email protected]

Colombo G/B parents seek professionally qualified partner for their (MBBS) doctor daughter in a government hospital 30 years, 5’4” medium complexion dowry available. Reply with full details and h.c. malefic h.c. Email: [email protected]

Colombo Sinhalese Buddhist Medical Consultant parents seek partner for daughter 24 years, smart, pretty, fair, slim, 5’1”, completed a BSc degree with first class from a prestigious Australian University, currently pursuing MSc. Has excellent command of English. Caring, down to earth person decent with high moral values, and absolute respect for Sinhalese Buddhist culture. Acquires a reasonable amount of assets. Expect a 26 - 30 years old, slim, kind hearted, NS/TT son with excellent character. Those who completed A/L in Sri Lankan Buddhist schools followed by academic excellence in local or foreign universities are preferred. Reply with horoscope including the date, time and place of birth (city and country), family details, and contact number in your first letter. Confidentiality assured. Email: [email protected]

Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs wish to contact suitable partner of same caste and religion for their 34 years old accomplished daughter 5 ft. 5 inches. Millions worth of assets as dowry. Please write with full details.

G/B Colombo suburb professional parents seek suitable partner for their slim fair pretty daughter born 1979 and 5’1” graduate prestigious American University and MBA. Working in Sri Lanka at Management Level for a Multinational Company. Substantial assets. E-mail: [email protected] 011-2778221.

G/B mother seeks an educated, caring handsome son for pretty, fair, 5’1” tall 35 years old daughter Australian citizen, Managing Director of company, divorced with 5 year old son (innocent party). Owns house + assets in Australia. Caste immaterial. [email protected]

G/B parents seek partner Doctor / Graduate non-smoker teetotaller for their 27 years old daughter, fair, pretty and modest. She was educated in UK/Sri Lanka, employed in UK and doing final year Law Degree. She has British / Sri Lankan citizenship brought up with Sri Lankan values. Father Doctor, assets in Sri Lanka / UK. Please reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected]

G/B parent from Kandy seeks a suitable partner for professionally qualified daughter 33 HR Manager in mercantile sector. She is 5’3”, slim, fair, pretty. Divorced after a brief marriage, no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope. Email: [email protected]

G/B pretty 34 y (younger looking) 5’3” Accountant working in Sydney brother seeks educated partner. [email protected]

G/B sister seeks educated partner for young looking fair Chartered Accountant sister 49, 5’2” holds PR in Canada. [email protected]

G/B, employed 51 y from a respectable family seeks a suitable smart partner. Even willing to migrate if required. [email protected]

G/K Buddhist parents, living in New Zealand seek a partner preferably below 32 years of age for their only daughter, 27 years old, a university graduate working in an investment bank in Auckland. She is 5’7” and of medium complexion. The partner must be educated, professionally qualified and fluent in English and be willing to settle in New Zealand or Australia. Please reply to [email protected]

Kandyan GBS parents, father retired Head, Government Department, currently university visiting Senior Lecturer, seek academically, professionally qualified son with sober habits for their executive daughter working in a private firm Colombo. She is 29 pretty, smart, slim and 64 inches height, fair complexion, has been brought up to respect Sinhalese Buddhist values and culture, has excellent command of English, inherits substantial properties. Reply with family details, contact numbers and horoscope. [email protected]

Kandyan G/B parents seek a qualified partner with similar status for their eldest daughter 22, 5’, third year engineering student in Australia. Write with details and horoscope. [email protected]

Kandy G/B parents seek an academically / professionally qualified partner from Sri Lanka or living in USA for their daughter 33 years 5’4” slim, pleasant, young-looking continuous studies in USA, will be back in Sri Lanka for July vacation. Please write details with horoscope to: [email protected]

Kohuwala, Buddhist, Govi, Teacher mother seeks suitable partner for daughter 38, 5’, Assistant Development Officer at Public Institution in Colombo owns brand new 02 storeyed house at Kohuwala and other assets. Reply with horoscope, telephone number.

Kurunegala Bodu Govi eldest daughter height 5’4”, born 1982 graduated in HRM from Australian University. Now working in Brisbane will be here in July. Parents seek boy residing in Australia. [email protected] Call 0372233264 after 7.00 p.m.

Kurunegala Bodu Govi height 5’4” born 1988 slim studying Accountancy in Brisbane University parents seek a boy residing in Australia. [email protected] Call 0372233264 after 7.00 p.m.


K/G/B parents seek caring son with sober habits for 29, 5’5” fair pretty academically and professionally qualified daughter. Admires Sri Lankan values working in a reputed company as Senior Executive, inherits substantial assets. Reply with horoscope. Email: [email protected]

Mixed parentage family living in the US, we are looking for a partner for our youngest child / daughter 33 years old with Sri Lankan values, will be here on a short visit from the 1st week of June. Partner should be between 30-40 years. Religion, caste immaterial. Willing to migrate to the US. Email : [email protected]

Moor parents from Kandy District seek a professionally qualified Muslim partner (Doctor, Accountant, Engineer) for their daughter a Medical Doctor 24 years, height 5’4” wears head scarf, working in Colombo, has permanent resident status to reside in New Zealand. Reply to: [email protected]

Parents (Catholic) in USA, seek partner for their 22 year daughter, doing PHD in Medicine. Buddhist welcome. [email protected]

Professional / educated understanding partner for GB 42 yrs. 5’2” postgraduate daughter, employed, pleasant personality with good reputation, owns a house. 5681913 [email protected]

Seek B/G USA citizen below 30 for 25 / 5’4” daughter educated in Colombo premier Convent. [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia seek for their pretty daughter, 25 years, 5’2”, well employed Civil Engineer with double degrees and academically qualified son with good personality, taller than 5’6” and willing to reside abroad. Caste irrelevant. Please reply with family details, contact number and horoscope. [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist parents seek an educated professionally qualified well mannered partner for their 28 year old fair attractive doctor daughter working in the UK. Reply with family details and horoscope to [email protected]

Sinhala Christian parents seeking an academically qualified partner for 29 yrs, 5’3” fair pretty well-mannered daughter employed in leading private bank holds an IT degree and sitting for CIMA Finals this year. Email [email protected] Tel. 0112413404.

Sinhala Roman Catholic parents seek professionally qualified partner Australia for daughter I.T. Graduate. Born in 1977 height 5’4” fair slim young looking. Citizen employed reputed bank in Melbourne. She owns house. Parents will be a short holiday in Mid June. Reply with family details and contact No. Email to: [email protected];

Sinhala, Christian parents seek educated professionally qualified well-mannered son for pretty 5’3”, 23 yrs daughter working in a leading Bank. [email protected]

Sinhalese Buddhist parents in UK seek an educated partner for 28 years old doctor daughter working in UK. Reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail address: [email protected]

Sister seeks 42 yrs. 5’2” fair kind MSc Lecturer reading for PhD with assets seeks kind, educated partner willing to migrate. [email protected]

Sri Lankan Muslim family living in Australia seeks an English speaking academically / professionally qualified, moderately religious, non-smoking partner with a good family background who is either living in Australia or is prepared to migrate to Australia, for their professionally qualified, 5’1”, pretty, fair and employed 29 year old daughter, divorcee with no encumbrances (innocent party). Please respond with full details. Contact email: [email protected]

S/G/B parents living in Canada seek academically and professionally qualified son for their fair, slim, petite 32 years old daughter, who is after dissolution of a very short marriage with no encumbrances. She is a qualified professional working in Canada. She has been brought up in a Sinhalese Buddhist environment. Please reply with details to [email protected]

Well-mannered partner is sought for daughter born 1979 5 ft. slim simple pleasant young-looking graduate teacher, librarian at a leading private school in Bambalapitiya. Reply with details and horoscope. [email protected]

Western Province G/B parents seek educated partner with respectable family background for kind and responsible daughter 28 yrs, 5’0”, fair complexion, slender and pretty. Educated abroad and currently continuing her PhD in the field of Medical Sciences at a prestigious university in the USA. Please reply with horoscope and family details; Email [email protected]

Western Province retired parents seek academically and professionally qualified partner with sober habits for daughter just 40 pretty 5’1” Buddhist professional graduate holding government Executive position, owns assets over 10 million including new car. Reply with copy of horoscope. Tel: 0113066035. E-mail - [email protected]




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