Poems dealing with the full moon
the importance of poya days in Sri Lanka, I thought I should bring
together poems that deal with the subject of the full moon . They are
very different in scope however. Fortunately, for they are long in
themselves, I do not need to explain much: the themes are easy to grasp
once one realizes the actual subject of the poems. The latter two are
emphatically political, but I begin with the whimsy of Nandana
Weerasinghe. I include two poems, since they are both short, though both
are thought-provoking. The first is translated by Manoj Ariyaratne, the
second by A T Dharmapriya.
The Moon-Shadow
What difference does it make
Whether it is a big vessel
Or a small one?
We look at so many different vessels
With clear water and see
Only the reflection of the moon
When full
Full Moon On A Dewdrop
Unwilling to listen
to the cacaphony
of the rolling
angry waves
that leap high up
in pride
into the empty sky
as if they had sucked the moon's whole light
That silent dewdrop carrying the glory of
the full moon and the joy
of endless moonlight
falls on a cold leaf
and dries up
slowly, secretly
If you do not read the note under the title, you might miss the full
impact of S. Pathmanathan's poem, which he himself has translated. He
uses the simple need for water, sketched out in the context of a
beautiful description of nature, as a trope for the aspirations the
Tamils hoped to achieve with the help of India. The suffering that
resulted is forcefully sketched, before he returns to the tranquility of
Thoughts on a full moon day
(Composed on the eve of the departure of the IPKF)
The full moon pours milk
and a hundred thousand thoughts
surge in the sea of my mind
Once before
at a time like this
the gentle breeze lulled the coconut palms
bathed in moonlight
and music wafted on the silent air
the sky spread out like a blue canopy
under which we walked on the wet sand
holding hands as stars drew designs
while from the thatched hut
a song to the throbbing of drums
rended the midnight hours.
The full moon pours milk
but there has been no rain for three months
And as the sun scorches the crops,
and the tops of trees
craning our necks
we look up in vain
Hands are needed to dig
to seek water
and we appealed
some young men responded and came armed
And vowed 'We won't rest
till we strike water.'
Neighbors came with crowbars and pickaxes
and others sent them food
Who else could be so lavish, we thought
and decorated our streets with thoranams
we garlanded them and welcomed them
to the sound of drums
Having received these celestial beings
we took them round in motorcades
we were in a trance for over a month
But one day the gods turned into demons
they pestered us who had asked for a homeland
and our homes were destroyed
the transformed gods had to be appeased
with fowls and goats
with ornaments and houses
and wine and women
Not water but tears welled up
the youth were hunted for trying to dig
an unlawful well
and they went everywhere to give credence to
a pack of lies
The demons were incited
to rob and steal and loot
we had sought to worship the crescent
through the murunga tree
but the crescent we saw
was on the fourth day
we cried, we wailed
Then one day the cyclone uprooted the murunga tree
and the demons vanished
the youngsters undaunted
started all over again the blasting of rocks
Some complained
that their sleep was disturbed;
they conferred without asking us
a venture unheard of
We could not permit such nonsense
so the river was blocked
and the well ran dry
Parched crops and scorched groves
broken palms and cracked temples
and the ruined homes
What if the palmyrah is blasted?
This is not the time to moan or mourn.
The full moon pours milk
Let the palmyrah sprout again
and grow erect as impetuous as ever
Never bending its knee
in the face of oppression
Let the throb of the drums
rend the late night air
let the melody of the flute
pour nectar in our ears
At last we can walk, burying our feet
once again in the wet sand
The full moon pours milk
Translated by the author
Note: Hindus consider it auspicious to worship the crescent on the
third day after the new moon, but to look at it on the fourth day could
bring misfortune.
Finally, Arjuna Parakrama used imagery from Wesak, the time at which
the incident occurred, to describe racial violence at the Peradeniya
Campus in 1983. The incident seemed inexplicable at the time, but as the
note indicates, it later became clear that the inspiration behind the
incidents led to more intense trauma later on.
Vesak is here, again.
It's seen in the swagger white-washing half their smirk;
In the sadhu of the sacred song -
the whining serpina faltering a placid tune -
that cuts across the uncluttered canteen chairs
so empty now;
so empty and so smug.
It's heard in the whispers of the lovers on the lawns at dusk;
seen through the relaxed smile of friends strolling home,
a Good Day's Work tucked well beneath
their belts
As for you who are
many full-moons wiser than to smile;
much fuss was made about your fine-worn masks,
crafted smooth as silk, with a quiet rhetoric
that masks the ulcers bursting on your tongues.
A trained choir in devotional sibilants to sing
of disregard, of varying grades of fear,
carefully constructed sacrificial edifices to propound,
of excuses searched for well, and gratuitously found;
ethics, morality linking arms
with an avowed wish to sound
as if you wished with all your heart to help,
but for the filigreed distinctions of thought,
and fine legal points, that are, insurmountable
Thus far, this huge creation, Peradeniya, is inviolate and whole,
shaky but intact this proud patch work pandal for Vesak,
allowing every combination, dim or dark,
brighter in someone else's studied view,
shining out at night, when needed most,
as a comfort
against BRICK.
A few moments' worth of charged words,
wafting in the Vesak breeze,
like salted tears shad
by a shuttle-cock in pain.
May 1983
Writer's Note:
Of the first ever eruption of racial violence at the prestigious
University of Peradeniya, a student wrote, under the pseudonym Camus -
"It is difficult, given its well organised nature, not to view the
racial violence that erupted on the campus in May as a planned precursor
to the massacres in the rest of the country two months later' -
'Peradeniya - Towards Collapse?', NLR 2, 1984