Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 25 September 2011





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


World Elders' Day is on October 1:

Lonely in their twilight years

Tired feet,feeble hands,failing eyesight and an aching heart are what most people end up with at the twilight years of their lives. With the vigour of youth and agility of mind and body gone, the aged are most often abandoned by the very people for whom they toiled their entire life. They usually languish in homes for elders with heavy hearts, holding on to memories of days gone by.

Who really spares a thought for these senior citizens of our country who have contributed so much towards the progress of our motherland in their own special way? Perhaps just a handful of people.

It is indeed pathetic to see the suffering of the aged in many an elders' home which lacks even the basic facilities. It is bad enough that these senior citizens have to bear the pain of being abandoned by their kith and kin but do they have to suffer some more without even the basic comforts of life and proper care in these places which are the only homes they now have?

There is a severe dearth of decent elders’ homes in the country today and it is imperative that the Government takes measures to ensure proper welfare facilities for this segment of society who have given off their best for not just their families, but also for the country, in their youth. It is true that the first responsibility to care for them lies with their own family members but as the number of elders who are confined to institutions is on the rise due to various reasons, their welfare is the responsibility of the State now.

When compared to the facilities afforded to senior citizens abroad, we are definitely lagging far behind.Perhaps, World Elders' Day which falls on October 1, should be used as the platform to make a change for the better for them and make their twilight years brighter. We should certainly take a leaf off from other countries to improve the basic standards of the existing elders’ homes and also set up more such places for them, as getting an elder into a home these days is worse than getting admission to a school;with long waiting lists at virtually every decent elders' home.

However, improving facilities or increasing the number of elders' homes is just a minute part of the problem. Elders need to be given more privileges and welfare facilities in many other fields to help improve their lives.

Today elders are subject to numerous problems even when living on their own or with families.

It is therefore very important that the children are taught at an early age to love, respect and care for the elders in their own families.

The days when elders were offered a seat in the bus and helped to cross the roads are no more. Sometimes the children of today only seek elders to get something done for themselves or to make them the butt end of their jokes.

It is wise not to ill treat elders and abandon them because life is but a cycle and each and every one of us will reach old age someday. Children must keep in mind that one day they too could be treated in the same manner they treat the aged, unless their attitudes do not change now.


He sits alone

He sits there alone daily
Just wishing for someone
To take the time from their busy day
But night falls and there are none.

Time goes by so very slowly
For he goes through another day
Because he's old and feeble
Is this the price he must pay?

To die here all alone
Without his loved ones near
I can't imagine what he thinks
As he wipes away his tears.

He worked so hard all of his life
To have a few things to call his own
Now he's sitting in a wheelchair
In a far off nursing home.

Thinking about the old days
And finding himself living there
Because the life he has now
Is just to much for him to bare.

If only he could see them
The loved ones he holds so dear
If only he could feel their touch
Their voices he could hear.

His life would be complete then
He may not be afraid to say goodbye
But he fears deep inside his heart
In this nursing home he will die.

Our loved ones go by so quickly
And tomorrow he may be gone
Someday it may be you....sitting
In a far off nursing home.

Joe Morehead


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