Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 25 September 2011





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Government Gazette

Count down to world Children’s Day begun:

What they think...

The month of October ushers in many special days designated by the UN that are observed the world over most often with much fanfare. One such day that holds great promise and significance for the wealth of every nation - the children , is Universal Children's Day which is observed in Sri Lanka on October 1.

With hardly a week for the dawn of this day we decided to portray some views expressed by children about the hi-tech world of today, their aspirations and expectations so that we adults could understand them better and provide a safer, cleaner and better world for them to grow up and progress in life ...


Effect of mobile phones

The world is developing with modern technology day by day. During early times, the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. That telephone was a landphone. It cannot be carried from place to place. But, now we have the mobile phone. It’s a wireless, portable phone with numerous features such as the internet, G-mail mp3, mp4, mp5, pictures, mms, E-mail, wi-fi and many more.

The mobile phone has a good and a bad side to it. The good thing about it is that we can contact our families in an emergency and also listen to a mp3, mp4, mp5 or log into the internet,when we want to relax or get some information.

Now, let me tell you about the other, dark side of mobile phones. Many children between the ages of 15-18 have a mobile phone with bluetooth, colour display, FM radio, TV and cameras. They spend most of their time with the phones, watching TV or video clips. Some young people log onto the internet on the mobile and watch pornography. They show such photos to other innocent children. Then their minds too are filled with wrong ideas.

Following some incidents which even led to the death of a child, the State has now taken measures to restrict certain websites on mobile phones. But there are so many to erase.

I think the State will eradicate the dark side of mobile phones. I hope the State succeeds.


Children stray when mothers go abroad

We all like to be happy. So, we try to fulfil our needs to satisfy ourselves. But very often we are not satisfied with what we have. Now most of us have passed our early childhood and are reaching adulthood. In this period, especially during adolescence, our ideas and needs can change fast. Some boys and girls are likely to go on the wrong path during this time.

One of the main reasons for this, is the lack of guidance as a result of mothers going abroad for employment.

A mother plays a major role in moulding our lives. However, today most mothers, especially in the rural sector, go abroad as domestics and as various other workers. Their main aim is to bring in an income to improve the living standards of their families. However, they must realise that their children, especially daughters need their mothers around to protect and guide them. Because, if they go astray and come into any harm, their entire lives can be ruined.

In the process of adjusting to society, a person usually gets the preliminary training from his or her family.

A well behaved person is shaped through the development of good relations, good qualities and good attitudes among members of the family. When the family members’ relationships are weak, the individual develops behaviour patterns that are not acceptable in society. This can hinder the progress of not only the family, but also the country.

So, mothers should think twice about their children before seeking employment abroad. If they are thinking of the welfare of their children, they should also ensure their protection. Material comforts alone will not benefit a child’s life. The love, protection and care of a mother is more valuable to a child than money and comforts.


Educate children on uses of internet

There are many sources in the world today to obtain information. They are called ‘mass media’ in general. Some of them are television, radio, the internet and newspapers. Out of all these sources the internet is regarded as the most powerful medium.

We learn about the latest happenings of the world through the internet. The world is changing day by day. The internet affects the behaviour of its viewers.There are various websites in the internet. They are social websites, news websites, sports websites and so on. They are very useful for us. The internet has many uses.

Children can search information for their studies, download songs and even find good friends via the internet. We can learn many things about the world and communicate with others quickly. People save their time by using the internet. These are advantages of the internet.

However, there are some websites, that are not suitable for children at all. Violent actions, adult shows, certain advertisements and bad video clips are harmful to children. Some children and elders form love relationships via the internet.

Some teenagers waste their valuable time browsing the internet aimlessly. They play games and watch unsuitable films. Bad people propagate false information and do many gimmicks on the internet. These are harmful especially to children. They are the disadvantages of the internet.

I think the internet consists of both good and bad. We must use it for good things. Then we can succeed in our future. Responsible authorities should take action to produce more programmes that are suitable for children and ensure that growing young minds are not exposed to harmful information. All measures should be taken to protect young children from the bad effects of the internet.


End child labour !

Many employ children as labourers or domestic aides. They are not at all concerned about the welfare and education of these innocent children who work as labourers in houses or elsewhere.

There are people who use children for various wrong purposes. Some use them as soldiers or buy them as slaves and often earn money by selling them, their bodies or labour to people. Some of these children who get caught up in such a situation have ended up on the streets because of poverty. Many poor children go from house to house looking for odd jobs to earn some money. They struggle to survive and often end up on the wrong side of life.

We know every child has the right to an education, which is free in Sri Lanka. Due to a lack of education and other opportunities, they are driven to a life of destitution. The responsibility to educate them lies with the Government as well as the parents. If action is not taken our country will be filled with not only uneducated people, but also people resorting to various crimes.

Recently there was news about people selling children illegally. Reasons for such acts are very often poverty. It is the duty of authorities not only to prevent such inhuman actions but also educate society and provide relief to families in dire needs. Such moves will help prevent them from resorting to such immoral and illegal acts.

One should remember that every child, whether rich or poor enjoys doing simple things in life. Children who are employed as servants or in any other form of labour are deprived of such priveledges.

When children grow up in an environment where they are exposed to violence and crime, they would be easily lured into the wrong path. They would generally be compelled to resort to various bad habits such as smoking, taking drugs and other illegal activities.

Every child must have freedom of choice and be protected. On this Universal Children’s Day which is on October 1 special attention should be given to this issue. Children must be provided with food, clothing and other basic needs, most importantly an education. It is the responsibility of society to educate the younger generation and give them proper protection.

The day I achieve my ambition in the field of education I hope to set up an institution just for street children and children who are subjected to hard labour and abuse.Let us focus our attention onproviding a more positive future for these poor children.


Take action to prevent health risks

In order to prevent and improve health around the world, much more emphasis is needed on preventing the actual causes of major diseases.

About 47 per cent of the global deaths are due to 20 causes or risk factors. Life expectancy can be improved if these risk factors are tackled effectively. Millions of premature deaths can be prevented. Many more people can be saved from diseases and disability.

The major risk factors in developing countries are tobacco, alcohol, and poor hygiene, iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, blood pressure and cholesterol.

The health leaders around the world should wake up to avert this situation.

Many children die due to lack of health facilities and delayed action in preventing risk factors.


Save planet Earth!

What we do right now, to tackle climate change could make a huge difference to the future of our planet. By reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we release, developing new technologies and using renewable energy sources, we can help stop global warming. In the end, it is up to all of us to protect the world we live in.

One day, hydrogen fuel that does not release any greenhouse gases may power our mode of travel. Until then, we must develop cleaner, more efficient vehicles and fuels, and above all use them.

Instead of burning fossil fuels for power, we should develop and use renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind power that release much less greenhouse gases than fossil fuels.

We need to start this work now, as new and clean renewable energies will take time to develop.The younger generation needs a cleaner environment to grow and be healthy. The Earth must be saved for the children of tomorrow.


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