ETA launched on trial basis:
e visas valid for six months
by Manjula Fernando
The Immigration and Emigration Department launched the e-Travel
Authorisation (ETA) for travellers on brief visits to Sri Lanka on a
trial basis from yesterday.
The ETA which will permit visitors of less than ‘30-days stay’ to
apply online for a travel authorisation and receive the permit within 24
hours, is expected to come into operation in January 2012.
“During the test run phase, the on arrival visa facility will be
continued at the BIA,” Immigration and Emigration Controller Chulananda
Perera said.
The service is applicable for 78 countries excluding travellers from
Singapore and the Maldives, the two countries which will continue to
receive the on arrival visa facility from Sri Lanka on a reciprocal
The others will need to apply for ETA and payment will be by credit
card. American Express, Master and Visa Cards will be accepted. A
limited facility to obtain an ETA at the Bandaranaike International
Airport will be available at a higher fee under exceptional
Although the ETA is for travellers on brief visits, the permit could
be extended up to six months, Perera said.
This service will streamline the issue of visas and check overstaying
and other misdeeds by foreign nationals here on short stay permits.
The top immigration official said that some people who had arrived on
tourist visas have been found doing jobs, media reporting and other
business here.
With the introduction of the new system data on visitors will be
available online minimising malpractices.
The fee (non refundable) for the issuance of an ETA ranges from 25
US$ to 75 US$ and this is standard for all countries.
The fee for transit visa with single entry valid for seven days will
be US $ 25 while a tourist visa with double entry valid for 30 days and
business visa with multiple entry valid for 30 days will cost US $ 50
and US$ 60.
Unless the travellers are from a health risk zone or if he/she has a
travel restriction the visa will be issued within 24 hours of submitting
the application.
This will be applicable for foreigners here for tourist purposes,
medical treatment, sports, cultural shows, business conferences and
discussions, training programs and seminars.
The ETA website hosted by the Immigration and
Emigration Department was launched by Defence Secretary Gotabaya
Rajapaksa on Friday. For the convenience of visitors the website has
instructions in nine international languages but the application must be
submitted in English language only.
The application can be made by the visitor online, a third party (a
friend or a relative) on behalf of the visitor or by a registered travel
It can also be made to Sri Lanka’s overseas missions, on arrival or
at the Immigration and Emigration Head Office in Colombo which can be
contacted on 94-71-9967888 for inquiries relating to the ETA.