Avoid excessive use of polythene, WPC tells LG candidates
The Western Provincial Council (WPC) has cautioned the public and
environmentalists to be vigilant about the excessive use of polythene by
candidates prior to the Local Government Election on October 8. A
spokesman for the WPC said that candidates should be made aware that
polythene could pose a major environment threat to people since it could
block waterways. "The water-clogged drains will help breed mosquitoes.
Provincial Council Environment Minister Udaya Gammanpila, an ardent
environmentalist called upon all candidates and their supporters to
refrain from using polythene in their campaigns even during the final
He told the Sunday Observer that it was unfortunate that candidates
were eloquent about starting proper garbage collecting systems in their
areas during election time.
Minister Gammanpila said that he is awaiting new legislation to
implement tough measures on the use of polythene, especially in the
Western Provincial Council.
A Draft Bill in this has been prepared for Parliamentary approval, he
He said most mosquito breeding grounds have been created in the city
and suburbs due to the indiscriminate use of large quantities of
The Central Environmental Authority has called upon the public to
hand over unused plastic and polythene to waste collectors and obtain
cash for such waste.