South Asian Film Festival in Nepal
A four-day South Asian documentary film festival opened Thursday in
the Nepalese capital Kathmandu with some of the main themes related to
the Afghanistan war, Sri Lanka and mass suicides of farmers in India.
Also to be screened at the 8th edition of Film South Asia were
documentaries about the migration of families from Myanmar, labourers in
Bangladesh, natural disasters and the status of women in the region.
The festival opened with Journey to Yarsa, which documents the
travels of a family from rural Nepal to the mountains in search of the
aphrodisiac caterpillar fungus Yarsagumba. 'Film South Asia's focus is
not just the subcontinent, but the people of South Asian origin all over
the world, and the retrospective package reflects this meaning,' said
Manesh Shrestha, a former festival director.
Of 400 films received, the organisers selected 36 for screening, said
Kanak Mani Dixit, Chairman of the festival.