In Brief
Kidney patient needs help
D.D.A. Anil Jayalath Fernando of No.507/3, Veerothara Mawatha,
Arawwala, Pannipitiya is suffering from end stage kidney failure.
Consultant Nephrologist, Dr. A.L.M. Nazar has recommended for immediate
kidney transplantation for his survival. The blood group is "o".
who wish to donate a kidney please contact on: 0710408666.
The family members appeal to the generous public for contributions
which may be remitted to A/c No. 72322779 of the Bank of Ceylon,
Maharagama branch.
Looking at the Legends
Three individuals will come together today to give the audience
gathered at the British School auditorium a night to remember.
Gananath Dasanayaka, Suran Kuruppu and Hirantha Ariyadasa, who don't
need any introduction in the entertainment industry have decided to come
together to create a unique sound. There will also be a special guest
performance by the De Lanerolle brothers.
The concert will feature music mainly of Simon & Garfunkal, Willie
Nelson, James Taylor and the Beatles.
England bans cigarette vending machines
Cigarette vending machines have been officially banned in England, to
make it more difficult for children to get hold of them.
According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), around 200,000 young
people start smoking regularly in England each year and 11 percent of 11
- 15-year-old smokers in England and Wales get their cigarettes from
vending machines. |