Matara MC
People will endorse Govt's development program - Sosindra Handunge

The Matara Municipal Council |
S osindra Handunge possesses a political career which spans over 20
years. During his two decade political career, he has acted as the first
chairman of the Matara Pradeshiya Sabha, a member of Matara Municipal
Council and a member of Southern Provincial Council. At present is the
SLFP Matara District organiser and the Matara District Coordinator of
President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Sosindra who is the UPFA Team Leader for the Matara MC election in an
interview with the Sunday Observer said he is confident that the UPFA
would achieve a resounding victory by securing 11 or 12 seats at the
forthcoming Local Government Elections. The division made among the UNP
members in Matara with another team contesting to the MC as an
independent group has also paved the way for the UPFA to achieve an easy
victory. He said in a situation where most of the candidates contesting
to the Local Government Bodies have presented their personal policy
statements, they are the only UPFA team contesting for the Matara MC who
have presented a manifesto as a team named Matara puravasi sannasa.
Q: With election campaigns in progress are you confident the
UPFA would be able to retain power at the MC?
A: There is no doubt about the UPFA's victory at Matata MC.
Because the UPFA has been able to win all elections in Matara from 1991
to date. At present, Matara district UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera has put
forward a team to the MC election under the UNP banner while Matara
district UNP MP Buddhika Pathirana has also presented another team as an
independent group. Therefore it has become easy for the UPFA to win
Matara MC due to the division within the UNP.
Q: If the UPFA gains power at the Matara MC what would be your
priorities to develop the Matara city?
A: The 'Mahinda Chintana' has clearly mentioned to develop
Matara as one of the most dignified cities in the Southern Province.
According to my knowledge, this is the first time that a country's State
leader has made special references about Matara in a political
manifesto. The Government has already spent a huge amount of money to
convert Matara into a well developed city in the country. We have
identified several priorities to develop the Matara city under the new
UPFA administration of the MC. We are the only team contesting a Local
Government body who have presented a policy statement as a team without
too many policy statements from individual candidates. That is why we
have introduced a 20-point manifesto to develop Matara city. We have
focused our attention to formulate a methodology which the MC can
coordinate with all State institutions.
We would initiate a service which would operate round the clock to
provide solutions the problems faced by the people in the city.
Attention has also been focused to establish a Youth Park in
collaboration with the Youth Affairs Ministry and set up more children's
parks within the city. Steps will be taken to computerise all
institutions which come under the purview of the MC. On the directives
given by the President, the river bank from public market premises to
Piladuwa will be converted into a most attractive paradise for the
benefit of local and foreign tourists. When the vacancies are filled in
the State institutions in Matara city, priority will be given to the
children in the city. We have also focused attention to implement a
national project in association with the cultural centre, library,
Ruhunu university and the media. The month of September will be declared
by the MC as 'Matara Season' each year. Various water games and events
will be introduced to provide entertainment to Sri Lankans by promoting
ethnic harmony among them.
However, my personal view is that Local Government institutions
should do away with the attitude of depending on the allocations made by
the Government. Each Local Government body should generate income
avenues without being a burden to the Government.
Q: According to you how will the programs launched by the
Government help the UPFA's victory at the Matara MC?
A: I think the election result of Matara MC should be
different from other Municipal Councils as Matara MC is older than other
Urban Councils.
The first Provincial Council set up in the South was also a
significant Provincial Council established in the country. Southern
Province possesses to a laudable political history and produce of
illustrious political characters. Therefore the results of Matara MC are
important than other provinces.
Q: Do you think the political leadership of President Mahinda
Rajapaksa and the rapid development taking place in the Southern
Province would have an impact on the UPFA vote base for the Matara MC?
A: Definitely. The UPFA was able to achieve all those key
victories including the defeat of LTTE terrorism due to the political
leadership of the President.
If the country did not have a proper political leadership with far
sighted vision, we would have not been able to achieve these victories.
Therefore the people in Matara will endorse the program initiated by the
Government to develop the country.
Dissident group member M.N.M. Nabavi says:
UNP will lose due to divisions in party
M.N.M. Nabavi is a senior member who has represented the Matara
Municipal Council from the UNP over the past nine years. He was the
former Opposition Leader of the council when it was dissolved for
elections. Nabavi and another group of UNP members have decided to
contest the election for the Matara MC as an independent group under the
spectacle symbol as they were not given nominations by the UNP.
Nabavi in an interview with the Sunday Observer said the UNP will
definitely lose Matara MC due to the division within the party. He said
of the 15 seats in Matara MC, the UPFA would secure nine while the UNP
will get only two seats. He said their independent group is targeting at
least three seats. The UNP is not in a position whatsoever to pose any
challenge for the victory of the UPFA. Nabavi is of the view that
immediate reforms should be made within the UNP to overcome the present
Q: You are one of the senior UNP members who has represented
the Matara Municipal Council. What led you and several other UNP members
to form an independent group to contest the MC election?
A: I have been continuously representing the Matara MC for the
past nine years. I was the Opposition Leader and UNP Group Leader of the
Matara MC when it was dissolved for the elections. The UNP Matara
organiser MP Mangala Samaraweera did not give me nominations as I
extended my support to UNP MP Buddhika Pathirana at the last General
Election. I have the right to extend my support to any candidate who
contests from the UNP banner.
However, lot of UNPers requested me to contest the MC even under an
independent group. Various invitations were made to me to join the UPFA
as well. But my tendency was to contest the MC as an independent group.
Therefore, we decided to form an independent group to contest the
Matara MC under the spectacle symbol. A group of UNP members at Kotte MC
had also faced this similar situation due to the rejection of
nominations. They are also contesting the Kotte MC as an independent
group under the symbol of a sword. Even for the Colombo Municipal
Council, most of the UNPers requested to put Imithiaz Bakeer Markar as
the UNP mayoral candidate. But the UNP leadership put forward another
candidate for it.
Q: Do you think the division within the UNP would have an
impact on the UNP's vote base at Matara?
A: Definitely. There are only six genuine UNPers in the list
submitted by Mangala Samaraweera. He rejected my nomination due to the
support extended by me to Buddhika Pathirana at the last General
Election. But I am a strong UNPer who has dedicated my life for the
party. Unlike Mangala Samaraweera, I did not represent another political
party and later joined the UNP. When Samaraweera contested the last
General Election he represented the SLFP Mahajana Wing. After he was
elected as an MP from the UNP at the last General election, he dissolved
his own party and joined the UNP. However, he could not come first in
the UNP list at the last General Election.
I should say Mangala Samaraweera by the rejection of my nominations
has made a serious damage to the sovereignty of the Muslim community. If
the people of Matara rejected me, I would definitely accept it. But he
did not grant me nominations as I helped another UNP candidate who
contested the General Election. Samaraweera is not a politician who can
feel the pulse of the common man. Therefore a large number of UNPers
requested me to contest the MC even as an independent group. We are the
genuine UNPers who contest to the Matara MC under the spectacle symbol.
Q: Did you inform the rejection of your nominations to your
party leadership?
A: I informed it to UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe. Even the
UNP MP Sajith Premadasa who intervened on the matter asked
Wickremesinghe, is there any allegations against me to reject my
nomination. However, the UNP Leader took the side of Samaraweera. Then
MP Sajith Premadasa asked Wickeremesinghe why was he violating the
policies of the party.
Q: Do you think the team put forward by the UNP would be able
to win the Matara MC?
A: Definitely the UNP will be defeated at the Matara MC. The
UNP will get only two seats. As an independent group, we are in a
position to get three seats. The UPFA will obtain nine seats and
sometimes the JVP may get one. The UNP is not in a position whatsoever
to challenge the victory of the UPFA. All anti- Ranil UNPers will vote
for our independent group. I think UNPers at this Matara MC election
will give a strong signal to change the party leadership.
At present the election campaign in Matara is conducted in a peaceful
manner. However, Mangala Samaraweera attempts to spread various rumours
about the ongoing election campaign in Matara. Samaraweera has alleged
that the Special Commissioner of Matara MC did not provide the ground to
the UNP to conduct their political meetings. This is a baseless
allegation levelled by him due to his inability to gather enough crowd
for the UNP meetings.
Q: How do you view the present crisis within the UNP?
A:At present there is a big crisis within the party. Therefore
reforms should be made within the party to overcome this situation.
Most of the UNPers hope to see that the party will come to power and
provide employments to youth.
Priority for houses - Nandasena Sellahewa
Nandasena Sellahewa has gained reputation as a politician who has
been continuously represented the Matara Municipal Council from the UNP
during the past three decades.
He was also the first Deputy Mayor of Matara MC.
Sellahewa in an interview with the Sunday Observer said he is very
confident that the UNP would be able to win the Matara MC at the
forthcoming Local Government polls.
He said another group of UNPers contesting the MC as an independent
group under the spectacle symbol will not make any impact on the UNP's
vote base as people always vote for their party and not for any
independent group.
Q: Despite the division within the UNP in Matara, do you think
the UNP would be able to secure power at the Matara Municipal Council?
A: Definitely the UNP would be able to win the Matara MC. At
present the UNP is successfully conducting election campaigns in Matara.
We have also commenced house to house campaigns to educate people to
vote for the UNP at the forthcoming election. Therefore, we are in a
very good position to win the election.
Under the leadership of UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera, the UNP has put
forward a very strong team. I am the most senior member of the UNP who
has continuously represented Matara MC for the past three decades and I
was the first Deputy Mayor of Matara MC.
During the past 30 years, I have set an example as a UNP member of
the MC who was dedicated for the welfare of the public. So many UNP
politicians in Matara crossed over to the Government, but I remained
within the party to safeguard it.
Q: Don't you think another group of UNPers contesting for the
MC as an independent group has posed a challenge to the UNP and it would
affect the party vote base?
A: I don't think any UNPers will vote for this UNP group
contesting to the MC under the spectacle symbol. Because the UNPers
always vote for their party and not to other independent groups
contesting from different symbols. Therefore this independent group is
not a challenge to the UNP team contesting the MC.
Q: What was the reason for another group to contest the MC as
an independent group under a different symbol?
A: A political party can submit the names of only 20
candidates for its list to contest the Matara MC election. However,
nearly 120 applications had been submitted. Of them the party could
select only 20 candidates. But all those who submit their applications
think they are the most suitable persons to contest the election. As a
result, a group of UNPers who had submitted their applications, formed
an independent group to contest the MC under a different symbol. But I
think they will not make any impact on the outcome of the UNP's vote
Q: Are you satisfied about the manner in which the election
campaign is conducted by the political parties for the Matara MC?
A: Yes. At present the election campaign in Matara is being
conducted by all political parties in a peaceful manner. There are about
10,000 families in the city which are favourable for the UNP. We have
already conducted a house to house campaign which covered over 8,000
houses. The UNP has been able to obtain a very good response from the
Therefore the UNP is in a very good position to win the election. We
are contesting the election as a strong team. That is why we have not
named a mayoral candidate or a team leader. We have made a team spirit
to win the MC.
Q: If the UNP wins Matara MC, what would be your priorities to
develop city?
A: Matara MC has a very good track for being the best MC. If we gain
power, we will give priority to solve the housing problem of low income
families. We would also focus attention on providing solutions to the
problems faced by the elders.