Legion of Mary to celebrate 90th anniversary
The Legion of Mary, an association of ordinary lay Catholics
originated with its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland on September 7,
1921. A full fledged organisation in the Catholic church serving under
its authority it is at the complete disposal of the church in its sacred
mission to its people all over the world.
Since September 7, 1921 the Legion of Mary has expanded its services
and has earned the appreciation of the church of its work and has
obtained the full approval of the Popes at different times.
The work of the Legion of Mary stands out today as one of the best
lay people's organisations working in the mission of the church all over
the world. The church has proclaimed its full appreciation of the work
of the Legion of Mary.
From its origin in Ireland in 1921, the Legion of Mary has been a
significant lay organisation spread worldwide. It has played a leading
role in the apostolic activity of the church in every country and set
the seal of its strong missionary work.
Working with the hierarchy in all these countries it has earned the
support of the bishops, priests and other members of the clergy in all
the activities it has carried out.
The Legion of Mary in its expansionist program came to Sri Lanka in
1935 when the late Rt. Rev. Dr. J. A. Guyomar OMI, Bishop of Jaffna
impressed by the work of the Legion of Mary in Madras introduced the
legion system to Jaffna through the late Fr. J. A. Rajanayagam OMI,
parish priest, St. Anne's Church, Jaffna who then set out on his mission
to introduce the Legion to Jaffna, promoting the growth of what the
Legion in Jaffna is today, serving the people of the North and
sustaining it.
A powerful supporter of the Legion of May was bishop Emmilianus
The first unit of the Legion of Mary - or the first praesidium - was
launched in the parish of Kotte by Rev. Fr. Z. Dabrera on January 9,
1938. Thereafter Rev. Fr. A. Brennan set up a praesidium at St. Philip
Neri's Church, Pettah.
Tradition has it that the late Fr. Peter Pillai had met the founder
of the Legion in Rome, the late Frank Duff who had given him a copy of
the Legion Bible - The Great Legion Hand Book.
When Fr. Peter Pillai returned to Sri Lanka he was anxious to get the
Legion started, and he handed over the responsibility to Rev. Fr.
Brennan who had just been transferred from Jaffna to Pettah.
The Legion of Mary lost no time in spreading the Legion all over
country and it reached out to the faithful in all three languages
Sinhala, Tamil and English.
It moved into the diocese and parishes seeking to reach out to people
to keep the faith alive and help the church in all missionary
activities. It has worked in close union with the parish priests and has
been always at the disposal of the church to reach out to the faithful.
During the past 75 years the Legion has performed various activities
in Sri Lanka and has been serving the church. The Legion of Mary will
honour the establishment of the worldwide Legion of Mary in its 90th
year and the Legion of Mary in Sri Lanka in its 75th year of service.
The Senatus has called upon all its Councils to organise a period of
Prayer all over the country in thanksgiving to Our Lady in its 75th
It is proposed to have a Mass of thanksgiving with his Eminence
Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith. Legionaries of all three language groups are
due to participate.
All Legionaries should rally round the Legion and make this a worthy
thanksgiving of 75 years of Legionary service.
- Quentin Fernando