Move to ease traffic congestion in Indepedence
Uniflow traffic plan for Colombo City

Pic: by Thilak Perera
The smooth flow of traffic in the Colombo city, the commercial
capital of the country is a must considering the number of vehicles
entering the city on a daily basis. To make this a reality, from time to
time, the Police Traffic Division along with the other relevant agencies
have come up with innovative traffic plans in different parts of the
All these traffic plans have been introduced to support the uniflow
traffic system now being implemented in many parts of the city. The
general observation of the public about this traffic arrangement is
quite satisfactory though there were many complaints on the new traffic
plans soon after its introduction.

Senior DIG Asoka Wijetilleka |

SI Indika |
The uniflow traffic plan implemented from Kollupitiya to
Bambalapitiya is also now operating smoothly though there were
complaints from the public at the initial stages as many motorists have
now adopted it. The new traffic system introduced from October 1, in
Independence Square in the Cinamon Garden Police area is also now
operating to ensure smooth flow of traffic in the area, thus reducing
traffic congestion and removing black spots where a number of accidents
were reported.
According to Senior DIG Asoka Wijetilleka in charge of Traffic and
Police Field Force Headquarters, the change was made purely to
facilitate the smooth flow of traffic in the area in a more orderly
manner. Sub Inspector Indika Kumara, Traffic OIC of Cinnamon Garden
Police station said the new traffic arrangement in the Independence
Square area has been made after reversing the uniflow traffic plan which
was earlier in operation in the area.
According to the earlier plan, motorists coming in from Bauddhaloka
Mawatha had to reach the Independence square roundabout after turning
towards Independence Square at the RFP junction just after the BMICH and
proceed through the Public Administration roundabout and Independences
avenue. The reversed traffic plan allows vehicles from Nanda Motors to
proceed along Independence Avenue through the Independence roundabout to
proceed towards the Public Administration Ministry roundabout and enter
Bauddaloka Mawatha after turning right at Maitland Place. Motorists can
also reach Horton Place after turning left at Maitland Place and turning
right at the Maitland Crescent - Maitland Place junction.
Motorists proceeding along Independence Avenue can also proceed
towards Wijerama Mawatha along Vidya Mawatha after crossing Maitland
Place just after the Public Administration roundabout. “Motorists coming
along Bauddaloka Mawatha cannot directly enter Independence Avenue from
the RFP junction through the Public administration roundabout as it's a
one-way route. But they can turn right and proceed along Vidya Mawatha
to reach Wijerama Mawatha,” SI Indika said. Motorists proceeding along
Maitland Place can turn either left or right at the Maitland
Place-Maitland Crescent junction.
“Those who want to proceed towards Horton Place can reach there after
turning right at the Maitland Place-Maitland Crescent junction. Those
who are turning left can reach Reid Avenue which has been renamed Philip
Gunawardena Mawatha and also Independence Avenue at the Independence
roundabout,” he added.
“They also can enter Guildford Crescent which has been renamed-
Premasiri Khemadasa Mawatha from the Independence roundabout and proceed
towards or towards the Public Library area via Glass House junction,” he
added .
“Motorists proceeding towards Guildford Crescent from Maitland
Crescent should be careful to enter to Reid Avenue or Philip Gunawardena
Mawatha on their right when passing the Independence roundabout as they
have to cross Reid Avenue to enter Guildford Crescent if they pass
Independence Roundabout from the left side of the roundabout,” he added.
This has been a gray area where the tendency for accidents were very
high as buses coming from Nanda Motors and Independence Avenue enter
Reid Avenue at the Independence roundabout.
“According to the previous traffic plan motorist coming from
Independence Avenue had to cross Reid Avenue to enter Guildford
Crescent. We have avoided that situation with the introduction of the
new traffic plan as no vehicles from Independence Avenue enter Reid
Avenue under the new traffic plan,” he added.
But motorists coming from the Independence Square area through
Maitland Place and Maitland Crescent with the intention of entering
Guildford Crescent through the Independence Avenue tend to enter their
vehicles to Reid Avenue from the left side of the Independence
roundabout to proceed towards Guildford Crescent as they are not aware
of the new traffic plan. “To avoid this situation we have deployed
traffic Police officers till 11 p.m. to guide motorists in the right
direction and also requested from the Colombo Municipal Council to have
stop lines to enforce the right-of-way law at the Independence
Roundabout”, SI Indika said. Motorist coming from Gregory's Road cannot
turn left at the Gregory's road Maitland Crescent junction as the
section of the Maitland Crescent from Gregory's Road Maitland Crescent
junction to Maitland Place-Maitland Crescent junction has been made only
for one way traffic.
According to SI Indika during rush hour, motorists who are coming
along Maitland Place with the intention of reaching the Public Library
area can easily proceed there after turning right at the Maitland
Place-Maitland Crescent junction towards Independence Roundabout and
reach the Public Library roundabout via Guildford Crescent and Glass
House instead of proceeding towards Horton Place to reach that end as
the number of motorists on the Horton Place is very high.
“For motorists using Maitland Place it is better to avoid entering
Horton Place as a large number of vehicles from Welikada, Rajagiriya and
Battaramulla direction proceed along Horton Place. They also can avoid
any traffic lights if they select the Independence roundabout, Guildford
Crescent or Premasiri Kemadasa Mawatha and Glass House direction”, he
The only place they have to be careful is at the Independence
roundabout when proceeding towards Guildford Crescent as they have to
take the vehicle from the right side of the Independence roundabout when
they proceed towards Guildford Crescent. “It is better for motorists
coming from Kanatta junction and Bauddaloka Mawatha to avoid using
Wijerama Mawatha to proceed towards the Public Library area. It is
better to enter Maitland Place from the RFP junction and proceed via
Maitland Place, Maitland Crescent, Independence Roundabout, Guilford
Crescent and Glass House junction. By doing so they can the avoid
traffic lights on their way to Public Library area”, he added.
Senior DIG Asoka Wijetilleka said the new traffic plan makes things
easy for motorists and the traffic flow is put in a systematic manner
and made as practicable and possible within the existing road network.
We are going ahead with the present traffic arrangement as we have not
observed much of a problematic situation with the new traffic
arrangement,” he added.
“The only thing the motorist must adhere is decent driving. If they
follow the lane traffic if they give right of way problems will not be
there. It is the violations that has made traffic jams not only in the
intersections but all over. If motorists also take cognizance of the
manner that they should observe the rule of law without all the time
pointing fingers at the Police, I think things will go in order,” he ad.
“I believe when the motorists get used to this system they will be more
comfortable and the traffic flow will be smoother than before”, he
Seat Belt Law
Senior DIG Asoka Wijetilleka
incharge of the Traffic and Police Field Force Headquarters
says the law regarding to the wearing of seat belts will be
strictly enforced as it will minimise fatalities and the
injuries to motorists and road users.
He said the law has been
enforced by way of regulation number 3 of 2011, promulgated
by the Minister of Transport through an extraordinary
gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
published on August 9, 2011.
“These regulations as per
the gazette shall apply to all motor vehicles as specified
in the Motor Traffic Act . Accordingly the vehicle
registered and which are designed distinctive number either
comprising with the Provincial Letters with the letters DP
followed by two letters of the English alphabet and for
numerals as set out or two Provincial Letters or the letter
DP followed by three letters of the English alphabet and
four numerals as set out thereof subjected to this law”, he
According to Senior DIG
Wijetilleka there are two categories under which they will
be applicable for the moment. With the promulgation of this
regulation as from October 1, this year it will apply in
respect light motor vehicles, motor lorries, heavy motor
lorries and light motor coaches motor coaches and heavy
motor coaches which are registered from October 11 in
respect of this category of vehicles and which have been
assigned a distinctive number as specified in the two
provisions which were mentioned earlier.
“No person shall, after
these regulations coming into operation, sell or offer for
sale or save in his possession for sale any vehicle which is
fitted with a body restraining a seat belt which is not of
the type specified in the regulation five of this special
extraordinary gazette notification”, he added.
Regulation five specifies
the type of the body restraining seat belt requirement to be
fitted to every motor vehicle to which these regulations
apply. It will consist of three or more than three point
mounting lap belt and diagonal belt or belts that is
overlapping your body. It should be worn in such a manner as
you provide restrain for both the upper and the lower part
of the trunk of the persons travelling either in the drivers
seat or the front passenger seat of a motor vehicle of the
category mention in the two categories earlier.
“Which means it is mandatory
for both the driver plus the other occupant in the front
seat to wear seat belts,” he added.
There are a few exemptions
and they are granted to a person if he or she has a
disability of permanent nature. But that person shall obtain
an exemption from a medical board in a manner provided under
the same regulations and the medical certificate specifies
will not be issue for a period more than of six months. “Any
person who contravene any of the provisions of these special
regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall on
conviction will be liable to a penalty specified in the
section 2:2:4 of the Motor Traffic Ordinance. That is there
is no spot fines for this and it has to be referred to
courts,” he added.
“We request the motorists
that they should adhere to these regulations and comply with
them. These are not regulations promulgated to harass
motorists but for the safety of the motorists, because there
had been very many accidents if the seat belts are worn they
would have save their lives with limited injuries depending
on the nature of the accident. Here again this is one
serious factor that has caused fatal accidents in very many
instances if not they would have saved their lives,” he
added. This is actually a safety measure and a precaution
specially for the driver and the occupant of the other front
seat. Because for any jerk or any type of a impact they are
the first to get the full force of the impact. “This is the
reason why this has been enacted which I think is very
timely and which would have been promulgated a long time
ago. Now this has been promulgated what is important for
motorists is to adhere to this law,” he added. |