Blessed are those who live sans fear
is virtually difficult to find a human being or even an animal living
without fear. Although animals have only the fear of death at the hands
of a predator, human beings are afflicted with so many other fears such
as fear of disease, failure, heights, enclosed areas and death.
Fear is a distressing negative sensation induced by a perceived
threat. The threat may affect our reputation, career, or even life. From
time immemorial human beings have been living in fear. For the primitive
man who lived more or less like an animal the only fear was death at the
hands of a stronger animal. He also feared natural objects such as
hills, the sun, storms and fire. As he did not understand what they were
he started worshipping them. Especially the sun and fire were treated as
living gods. With the dawn of civilisation he understood some of the
natural phenomena. However, the desire to worship something or someone
did not leave him. So, it is believed that man created various kinds of
gods and began to worship them for protection.
For the primitive man fear acted as a stimulus to fight or flee from
certain dangers to his life. Two psychologists, John B. Watson and Paul
Ekman say that fear belongs to a small set of basic or innate emotions.
As an emotion, fear is similar to joy or sadness. The primitive man
might have had many other emotions but fear was uppermost in his mind.
Without proper shelter, food, health facilities, weapons, or even
clothes he had to face many odds in life. The fear of death loomed large
and he did not know how to handle it.
Related to future
Modern research shows that an important factor related to fear is
that it is closely related to the future. For instance, we have no fear
of the past or past events unless they have future repercussions.
However, a man committing an offence has the fear of punishment in the
future. When a man commits premeditated murder, he has the fear of being
arrested, prosecuted and punished. However, he commits the offence
thinking that he can get away easily.
Some have a morbid fear
of spiders |
Although fear is closely related to the future, it can also arise as
an instant reaction to something happening now. For instance, if we are
surrounded by a pack of fierce dogs, we will try to fight or flee from
them. This may be one reason people learn martial arts and other self
defence methods to save their lives from extortionists and robbers.
For 30 years we lived in fear of bomb attacks. Thanks to the valiant
efforts of political leaders and members of the Security Forces
terrorism has been eliminated. However, we have other demons to fear.
Drug addicts, armed extortionists, pickpockets, robbers and confidence
tricksters have driven fear into everybody. In addition, how many of us
are safe on the highway? Speed fiends and reckless drivers can cut short
anybody's life. Even pedestrian crossings are no longer safe because
most drivers have no respect for those who cross their path.
Minor fears
Apart from such major fears, we also have minor fears which may be
real or imaginary. For instance, children and even some adults fear
ghosts. The existence of ghosts is a debatable matter. On the other
hand, adults fear evil powers. Some people have a morbid fear of
cockroaches, spiders, snakes, ladders, heights, enclosed places, open
spaces, strangers, foreigners, needles and what not. However, such
phobias can be eliminated through psychotherapy.
In a Gallup poll conducted in the United States in 2005, it was found
that teenagers feared terrorists, spiders, death, failure, war, heights,
gang violence, being alone, the future and nuclear war. The
psychologists who conducted the poll termed them as the top ten fears.
Psychological studies affirm that certain areas of the brain
(amygdala) are affected when we get a feeling of fear. According to
Andreas Olsson the amygdala were affected when subjects observed
somebody else being subjected to a fearful event. The subjects got the
impression that the same fate awaited them.
Sometimes you may wonder why religious places are full of elderly
people. One explanation given by psychologists is that most of us become
religious as we advance in age. It is said that fear of death motivates
religious commitment because most religions assure us of an after-life.
This tends to alleviate the fear of death to some extent. Research also
shows that those who are firm in their faith are the least afraid of
Death is a taboo topic in our society. It is said that even Americans
find it difficult to confront death comfortably. In civilised societies
people do not 'die'; they 'pass away'. On the other hand, we never
discuss the topic of death with children. In fact, some parents do not
take their children to funerals. This undue fear of death is caused by
our own social mores.
In Mexican culture, however, death is discussed frequently and is
even debated on a national feast day: The Day of the Dead. This shows
that some cultures display less fear of death.
Today most adults fear the period of uncertainty that comes before
death more than death itself. Old age brings many fears relating to
health, income, loneliness and the approaching death. Many philosophers
such as J. Krishnamurti and Eckhart believe that it is important to have
a well-formulated personal philosophy of death than a link with a
particular religion. However, this is a matter of personal choice.
Whatever that may be, if we can live without fear, we will be the
happiest men and women on earth.