Techno - preneurship University, a role model
Driven by a futuristic vision with the prime
objective of value addition to the national resource base, the newly
established Uva Wellassa University (UWU) offers a role model in
terms of administration, research perspective and interdisciplinary
approach to education in an environment conducive to innovation and
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Sri Sankhapala Raja Maha Vihara:
A Buddhist shrine with dual significance
Pussadeva, a warrior of king Dutugemunu (161-131
BC) was famous as an excellent archer. After winning the war against
Elara, King Dutugemunu had given gifts who contributed to the
victory. Pallebedda village was gifted to Pussadeva. However
Pussadeva was ordained as a bhikkhu. Later he achieved the state of
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Climate change melting polar regions faster than ever before
The frozen “cryosphere” of the Earth, from the
Arctic sea in the north to the massive ice shelves of Antarctica in
the south, is showing the unequivocal signs of climate change as
global warming accelerates the melting of the coldest regions of the
planet, leading polar scientists have warned.
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