German TV documents efficacy of Ayurveda in Sri Lanka
by Anuradha KODAGODA

Sri Lanka Ambassador to
Germany Sarath Kongahage
Nowadays we are living in a too complicated and advanced world in
each and every way. It is not possible for us to get about without
mobile phones, computers and satellites even for a day. It doesn't'
really matters whether we are in a third world country or in a developed
country and day by day we are being distanced from the natural
environment and getting more and more into an electronic and digital
world. Being in this kind of a situation it is important that we pay
lots of attention to our health and the systems to avoid various
diseases which are very common with this high tech world.
Ayurveda is one of the good solutions to balance the body and mind by
using natural treatment which helps us to lead a long and healthy life.
What is Ayurveda? The word Ayurveda was derived from AYU and VEDA.
AYU means life VEDA means science or knowledge. Basically it means a
science of healthy living. Ayurveda has two aims: to preserve health and
to cure a body afflicted with a disease.
It is an ancient system of medicine developed particularly in Asian
part of the world.
Ayurveda is fast becoming a household name with all those interested
in "Alternative medicine". Yet Ayurveda is not an alternative medicine.
It is one of the oldest forms of medical science known to man -
originating 5000 years ago.
Sabine Eckhard is a film maker from Germany who is specialised in
documentary filmmaking. She is very much familiar with the Sri Lankan
society and culture since she has been in Sri Lanka several times.
This time she is in Sri Lanka for the last four weeks for a special
reason which is to research and explore the magical power of Ayurveda in
Sri Lanka. The following is an exclusive interview by the Sunday
"This is a 45 minute documentary film about Ayurveda in Sri Lanka for
the TV series, 'Far far Away' which is broadcast on ARD TV in Germany.
First we have observed two German ladies who came for Ayurvedic
treatment to Sri Lanka and we observed the way they obtained treatment and how they got cured. Also in the documentary we
talk about the Ayurveda history and to get a better knowledge we could
meet Dr. Alawathugama who is a famous Ayurvedic doctor who lives in
Ambalangoda. With his help we could interview many locals who received
Ayurvedic medication for serious illnesses like cancer, diabetes, high
blood pressure and so on. And they spoke about their experience
throughout the process and the feeling of relief after the Ayurvedic
treatment," Sabine said. "There are four people including myself in our
film crew.

Sabine Echhard |
The cameraman is Dario Sedo, production and the sounds done by Karl
Laabs and there is a German Ayurveda guest actress, Maren Kroymann.
Other than that we filmed the real patients who are locals and also a
few foreigners who were here for Ayurvedic medication.
I have been in Sri Lanka many times during the past two decades and
have been in the Hotel Paragon many times which has specialized
Ayurvedic medication. The Ayurvedic medication service I found at Hotel
Paragon is fabulous and it is not merely a spa but the professionalism
that they show which is fascinating," she said.
In her observation, when compared to the Western medication, the
Ayurvedic medication is more health conscious and it kills not only the
symptoms but it goes into the root cause of the disease and cures it
Also Ayurvedic medication warns us the balancing Dosha in our body by
being conscious about the food culture in our day-to-day lives and it is
100 percent natural unlike the Western medication which has side-effects
at all.
"Other than Ayurveda in Sri Lanka the other best thing that I was
really impressed was the Galle city. In my documentary I'm focusing and
to make the Galle city prominent which is extremely vigorous as a
tourist city.
I must thank the Sri Lankan government and especially the Sri Lanka
Ambassador to Germany Sarath Kongahage who supported us a lot throughout
in this project and we very much appreciate his ability to understand
the gravity of this project and also to maintain good foreign
collaboration among the two countries," she further added.
Ayurveda is more than a system of herbal medicine. It is a way to a
healthy and long life and can complement modern medicine. Ayurveda has
two main aims: It treats the symptoms of a disease and it helps
individuals to strengthen their immune system.
Ayurveda treats the body, mind and spirit of a person as a whole
entity, and works on the basis that the mind and body affect each other,
and together can overcome disease.
One of the fundamental beliefs of Ayurveda is the doctrine of 'Tri
Dosha' or the Three Vital Forces 'Vayu, Pita and Kapha'.
Generally translated into Wind, Bile and Phlegm, a more accurate
interpretation of Vayu is the transmission of energy within the body; in
modern medical terms, nerve impulses, muscle contraction and hormonal
activity. 'Pita' may not be confined to bile but signifies the whole
scope of metabolism and internal heat production while 'Kapha' means
mucus, often described as 'The Protective Fluid'.
The modern concept of mucus as an antibody containing liquid which
coats and protects internal linings of the body seems to fit in with
Ayurvedic thinking.
"The main point that I am trying to give prominence in my documentary
is the tremendous advantages that we can get by using Ayurvedic
medication while making sure of a long and healthy life.
Even though Western medication is very much popular around the world
including Sri Lanka, there is an excellent market potential for Sri
Lanka in the European countries by selling this service,
internationally. So far Ayurveda has proved its ability and its power of
curing so many diseases 100 percent naturally and with zero
In my documentary too it proves the ability of curing some terrible
diseases which are very common in nowadays 100 percent by using natural
ingredients and herbs. On the other hand I hope my documentary film
would be an information source especially in Germany to promote Ayurveda
medicine of Sri Lanka which would matters to increase the demand in Sri
Lankan tourism.
This documentary film is planned to broadcast in April 2012 in
Germany," she further said.
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