Buying suits in London
After walking around London city shops for a few minutes, Paddy turns
to Murphy with a look of amazement on his face and says, "Murphy, will
you have a look at that shop over there. I thought that London was
supposed to be expensive but that shop is as cheap as chips." "So it
is." Murphy says, "Paddy you're right so you are, will you have a look
at that. Suits £10.00, Shirts £4.00, Trousers £5.00. I think that we
should buy a lot and take them back to Ireland. We would make a tidy
profit selling them in Dublin." "So we would." Paddy says in agreement,
"Murphy that is as good an idea as you'll ever have, but I'm pretty sure
that you have to pay taxes and duty on things like that.
The shopkeeper will never let us have them if he thinks that we are
exporting them and make our fortune, so he won't." Murphy thinks and
says,"Paddy, I've got an idea! You can do the best English accent out of
the pair of us. You go in there and do the talking and I'll just stand
behind you and say nothing.
He'll never guess we are Irish so he won't think otherwise." "OK
Murphy", agrees Paddy, "I'll do the talking, you just stand there and
look English." So the two visitors entered the shop, where Paddy is
greeted politely by the owner. Paddy with his English accent placed the
order for a large amount of trousers and shirts.
Upon hearing this request from Paddy, the owner smiles, takes a look
at Murphy as well then asks Paddy, "You're Irish aren't you?" Very
surprised, Paddy replies, "Well, would you believe it, if that isn't my
best English accent. How did you know that we were Irish?" The owner
replies, "This is a Dry Cleaners, mate!!"
Money Problem
A young man was having some money problems, and needed $200 to get
his car fixed and road-worthy again. But had run out of people to borrow
from. So, he calls his parents via the operator, and reverses the charge
and says to his dad, "I need to borrow two hundred dollars." At the
other end, his father says, "Sorry, I can't hear you, son, I think there
may be a bad line." The boy shouts, "Two hundred. I need two hundred
dollars!" "Sorry, I still can't hear you clearly," says his father. The
operator cuts in, "Sorry to butt in, but I can hear him perfectly." The
father says, "Oh, good. YOU send him the money!"