Thirty youth receive Duke of Edinburgh Award

National Youth Award Authority, Asia Pacific Region 2T2 2011 Sri
Lanka, Saman Amarasinghe presented a model of Duke of Edinburgh
Award to Regional Director (Asia Pacific) of Duke of
Edinburgh Award International Sue Walker, who in return handed
it over to Head of Operations Duke of Edinburgh Award
International Tim Smith. |

Harsha Abeysekera of Maris Stella College, Negombo receiving the
Gold Award from Regional Director (Asia Pacific) of Duke of
Edinburgh Award International, Sue Walker. Head of Operations,
Duke of Edinburgh Award International Tim Smith and Director of
National Youth Award Authority, Asia Pacific Region 2T2 2011 Sri
Lanka, Saman Amarasinghe are also in the picture. |
(Asia Pacific region) ceremony was held recently in Sri Lanka in
collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development.
Under the instructions of Youth Affairs and Skills Development Minsiter
Dullas Allahapperuma the joint event held a special three day training
program for youth trainers at the Club Hotel Dolphin in Negombo
Sri Lankan youth were awarded at the closing ceremony held at the
Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo at the end of the training sessions with
Secretary to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development S.S.
Hewapathirana and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award International for young
people the Asia Pacific regional Director Sue Walker as chief guests.
Thirty youth from Sri Lanka were specially awarded this year
commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the award ceremony that was
first held in 1981 with the participation of Prince Phillip, the Duke of
National Youth Council Chairman Lalith Pium Perera, National Youth
Award Authority Chairman Senarath Kahandaliyanage and Minister's
Secretary Kavinda Dissanayake were among the distinguished guests at the
grand final event. Senior members of this event were awarded for their
long term service extended to the youth. The Asia Pacific regional
Director of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award international for young people
Sue Walker, Duke of Edinburgh's Award international for young people
Operation executive Major Timothi Smith, Asia Pacific Regional program
Manager Rob Oliphant and Director of the Regional Trainer training and
Education program Saman Amarasinghe received especial awards. National
Youth Award Authority Executive Secretary P.S. Gauthamadasa was awarded
for his long term contribution to this good will course.
A new trophy designed under the instructions of Saman Amarasinghe for
the International Award was handed over to the authorities from the
England and Asia Pacific region. |