Is Christmas all about eating and drinking?
by Johanson Mony
Christmas turkey, Christmas cake, Christmas lunch, Christmas party
etc etc. - all these are terms you hear very often when Christmas season
draws nigh. Each family likes to celebrate Christmas as grandly as
possible, which is not wrong , yet I thought it better we had a little
more insight to what really happened that day.
answer whether Christmas all about eating and drinking, we need to go
all the way back to the first Christmas day. The day our saviour Jesus
Christ was born.
He was born not in a palace or a rich mansion, but he was born in a
cattle shed where cattle and sheep lived. He was laid in a manger, a
manger used to feed cattle. The material that kept him warm was not nice
sheets or comfortable blankets, but straw that was used in the cattle
He did not choose a royal family or a rich family, to come to this
world, but he chose the family of Joseph and Mary, whose livelihood was
To save the whole world from sin, and to serve the poor, Jesus Christ
willingly chose to suffer in this fashion.
Gospel reading :- Luke 4. 18
Jesus Christ said- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and He hath
anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken
hearted, to free the captives (of all kinds of diseases and problems),
to heal the blind and to set at liberty them that are crushed. As said
in the above scripture verse, Jesus Christ came to this earth to free
you and me from sin and suffering.
He came to serve the poor (in heart). Therefore those that humbled
themselves come to him for deliverance, received their miracle and
salvation through Him.
After He served the people this way Jesus Christ went to die on the
cross to pay for your sins and mine. He died and rose from the dead on
the 3rd day. So the Jesus of Christmas is alive today.
Therefore if we repent from our sins and come to Jesus Christ, asking
Jesus to forgive us, He will forgive our sins, because he is looking for
those with poor hearts. Thereafter we must believe in our hearts that
Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead. We must confess
with our mouth and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Then
Jesus Christ will come and live inside us and give us eternal life
instead of eternal death.
Jesus Christ of whose birth we celebrate always had the poor in mind.
Therefore the celebration of Christmas will be more meaningful if we
remember to help the poor and needy.
Let us all take the opportunity to do as Jesus Christ did and serve
the poor this Christmas.