Greek protest dog goes global

A file photo taken on December 8, 2010 shows a dog nicknamed
Loukanikos or sausage barking in front of Greek riot police in
central Athens. AFP
ATHENS (AFP): An Athens stray dog who has become an unofficial mascot
of city protests and an online sensation this week reaped another
accolade by featuring in Time magazine's 'Person of the Year' award.
Sable-furred Loukanikos -- 'sausage' in Greek -- was granted his own
photo gallery in the magazine's annual honours which this year were
dedicated to protesters in the Arab world, the crisis-hit EU, the United
States and Russia.
Widely known on the Internet as the Greek capital's "riot dog," the
central Syntagma Square canine already has his own Facebook page with
over 24,000 approval hits.
The Greek capital has many stray dogs and several are drawn to the
noisy street protests that have been a fixture of social life even
before the country was hit by a crippling debt crisis in 2009.
But protest regulars say only Loukanikos, who appeared around four
years ago, actively participates, displaying fearlessness and an
apparent dislike of riot police.
"He is always on the side of protesters," says freelance photographer
Alkis Konstantinidis.
"He also recognises photographers and greets them during
demonstrations. He stands in front of riot police and barks at them, and
when they fire tear gas, he runs after the gas cannisters and bites
them," Konstantinidis said.
Loukanikos is the latest in a line of four-legged Athens celebrities.
A few years previously, protest observers had also singled out
Kanellos, a brown-black male who has not been seen recently.
And in the period around the 2004 Olympics, the city's unofficial
protest mascot was Glyka, a black bitch trained by her owner to hold
specially-crafted placards between her teeth at the head of