Innkeeper muses on Christmas

Did I miss the chance of my life
How could I've known He's Prince
Woman looked anemic
The man looked horrific
The dialect was Galilean
Donkey looked pathetic
Now that wise kings have come with gold
I better give some linen for the Babe
Feign some kindness gain some mileage
Call the media arrange the advert
Charge handsome - offer Mom a percentage
First photo should go for a grand
First anniversary get them back
Offer them a cheap room & board
Arrange the stable & polish the manger
Dry the dung and preserve in a showcase
To show the pilgrims - relics of First Birth
Give a great name Christ-Miss
Would to God I was different
My life I should better spent
My heart and not garment rent
Give my own rich apartment
For homeless babies to be sent
Lest they die on a cold pavement
First Christmas was so very poor
I'll never treat Him so I'm sure
Let me not be a talker but a doer
Withstanding filthy lucre's lure
Let me light a candle in a dark heart
Ringing a joy bell gloom to depart
Make a rich cake to feed the hungry
Calm with perfume a heart so angry
Ice cream for malnourished neighbour
Clothe the naked warm the pauper
That would be lovely Christmas for me
Christ's offering for the needy & seedy
Remembering the One born amidst dung
Fitting memorial action song be sung
- Dr. Lalith Mendis