Goal - to become foremost leisure destination in
S Asia:
Strengthening cultural tourism in Sri Lanka
The leading and trusted monthly travel magazine
in Britain Condé Nast Traveller has nominated Sri Lanka as one of
the top five destinations to watch in 2012. The travel experts of
the magazine have predicted that Sri Lanka will be among the hottest
new holiday destinations for travellers in the coming year.
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Treat Dictionary as a vade mecum
Once Mark Twain, the author of The adventures of
Tom Sawyer, sat in the United States Senate listening to a friend
making a long speech. Mark Twain thought he should have some fun
with his friend. "Do you know, Senator, I was surprised at your
speech. You may not believe it, but I own a very old book which has
every word of that speech in it!"
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Thorns on the Side
Fixing the school van problem
Thousands of so-called ‘school vans’ operate
throughout the country. It is perhaps the biggest unregulated
industry in the transport sector. School vans have sprung up because
they offer a very convenient way of sending children to school and
bringing them back home.
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