Opposition Leader turns 'Puppet of West':
Elements all out to destabilise country
by K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunge
The United Nations Human Rights Commission is scheduled to begin its
latest sessions in Geneva later this month. As in the past, both local
and international elements, backed by sympathisers of the now defunct
terrorist outfit - the LTTE, have once again embarked on a malicious but
well-orchestrated campaign against Sri Lanka and take the international
community for a ride.
But the international community, especially the members of the UNHRC
must first and foremost have a close look at hundreds of merciless and
inhuman attacks carried out by the LTTE when they were active as the
world's most ruthless terrorist outfit. They must think of the
circumstances which forced Sri Lanka and its Security Forces to embark
on a determined battle against terrorism.
That was purely a humanitarian mission to rescue over a half a
million people forcibly held by the Tigers, most of them as a human
shield. Projecting themselves as the sole representatives of Tamils, the
LTTE unleashed nothing but untold misery to all communities in Sri
Lanka, including their own community. In the pretext of a liberation
battle for Tamils, the LTTE subjected thousands of people living in the
North and the East, including Muslims and Sinhalese, to untold
Certain countries and international organisations seem to be shedding
crocodile tears on the human rights of terrorists, completely ignoring
the very same Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese who had suffered for nearly
three decades due to brutal terror attacks of the LTTE.
The efforts of the Security Forces have now provided an ideal
peaceful atmosphere for all Sri Lankans to live in harmony. People in
the North and the East, who knew nothing but suffering for decades, have
begun a new lease of life, thanks to those immense sacrifices made by
the valiant Security Forces.
LTTE's brutal
massacre |
The Government, while developing the two provinces and uplifting the
living standards of the people rescued in the humanitarian battle, has
also taken meaningful steps in the reconciliation process. Based on the
findings of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC)
Report, the Government is making a sincere and genuine effort for a
greater national reconciliation.
If the international community is genuinely interested in the
well-being of Sri Lankans, especially those who are living in the North
and the East, they must help Sri Lanka in its development and
reconciliation process, rather than attempting to pull from its leg
based on concocted stories of alleged war crimes.
Even the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), better known as a proxy of
the LTTE, has commended the Government's rehabilitation process of
ex-terrorists. The rehabilitation of former LTTE cadres has been carried
out in an exemplary manner and all of them, except for a few hardcore
ones with specific charges, have been released. Their rehabilitation
process included life skill development which has helped them immensely
after returning to civil life. Why can't the West see these developments
in their true perspective, rather than continuing with the negative
pictures created by the LTTE when they were active?
It is high time that the international community, especially the
West, stop looking at Sri Lanka through tinted glasses. They must come
here and see for themselves the sincere effort the Government has taken
in development and reconciliation process. By coming out with alleged
war crimes and similar efforts to discredit the country, the West would
only attempt to push people in Sri Lanka, especially those who suffered
immensely due to LTTE terror, back to that previous era of misery.

An LTTE bomb blast |
If the accountability is the word the West is using to intimidate Sri
Lanka and exert pressure on its democratically elected legitimate
Government, the same should apply to coalition forces for their acts in
Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.
Certain international organisations are flexing their muscles to
create a political leadership that would dance to their whims and
fancies. Knowing only too well that the masses have pledged unflinching
support to the President and his Government, these 'elements' are doing
their utmost to destabilise the country. By this, they are attempting to
rob Sri Lanka's hard-earned peace, achieved amidst immense sacrifices by
the valiant Security Forces.
It was a pity that Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe too has
become a puppet of the West and making statements against his
motherland. His recent statement to appease the West has been condemned
by the masses in toto. Certain NGO goons too have rallied round the UNP
leadership to add more power to that international conspiracy against
Sri Lanka.
The West must show its sincerity by supporting the Government's
development measures in the North and the reconciliation efforts, rather
than attempting to cook stories on alleged war crimes. Such unreasonable
allegations and actions would only shatter the dreams and aspirations of
thousands of innocent Tamil civilians who have begun a new life after
they had been rescued by the Security Forces.