Are emerging markets leading the way in job creation?
With a few exceptions, industrialised nations are still struggling
with unemployment, unable to recover from the 2008 economic crisis. In
the US things seem to be improving as the unemployment rate fell in
January to 8.3 percent, its lowest level since early 2009, according to
the US Department of Labour's Bureau of Labour Statistics.
But all in all, whether it is lack of job opportunities for young
people around the world, or that the global economy is not generating as
many jobs as needed to keep up with labour force growth, the global job
narrative is one of doom and gloom.
Nevertheless, there are reasons for optimism, particularly in the
developing world.

While major industrialised nations still struggle with unemployment,
emerging markets are certainly doing better.
According to the new edition of Job Trends, released by the World
Bank , emerging economies continued their slow but steady job recovery
in the third quarter of 2011. We are talking about countries like
Brazil, China, Mexico and Turkey.
But they are not the only ones. Across Eastern Europe and Central
Asia, as well as in East Asia and Latin America, the employment picture
has been improving over the past year in the 23 developing countries
included in our global sample.
Most of the Eastern European and Central Asian countries that were
covered showed a strong recovery. Employment growth in Turkey, for
instance, increased to 7 percent, while wage growth remained high. In
Latin America, the rapid recovery of earlier months has begun to
moderate, but unemployment in most of the region fell slightly.
In Brazil, for example, despite the slowdown in both GDP and wage
growth in the third quarter of last year, unemployment came down to 6
percent. Furthermore, Brazil reported in December an unemployment rate
of 4.7 percent, the lowest recorded since 2002.
Trends in East Asia are also positive. Urban China continues to
combine impressive growth in earnings with substantial growth in
employment. In South Africa, although unemployment remains remarkably
high, employment growth picked up substantially, in part because of a
drop in wage growth.
Many observers may see these improvements as not very consequential
because, after all, wages and labour conditions in much of the
developing world are below what is expected in industrialised nations.
But while the global economy remains threatened by the troubles in
the Eurozone, market volatility, and overall uncertainty, any positive
development in emerging markets is significant.
As many have noticed, one key question for 2012 is whether emerging
market economies will be robust enough to partially cushion the
potential impact of things getting worse in the Eurozone and elsewhere.
That emerging economies continue their slow but steady recovery on
the job front can only be a sign in the right direction. I'm confident
that emerging economies will eventually carry the day.