Finland tops UNCTAD statistics on ICT
Finland leads the world in the share of its economy based on the
production of goods and services related to information and
communication technology (ICT), recent UNCTAD statistics show.
The statistics, released online indicate that ICT in Finland employs
almost one tenth of the country's total non-agricultural business
However, the ICT sector including the availability of statistics is
still nascent in many developing economies.
Currently, the relevant UNCTAD database contains information on 57
economies. The lack of more comprehensive data can be seen as yet
another illustration of the digital divide. In fact, none of the world's
least developed countries (LDCs) reports statistics on the size of its
ICT sector. UNCTAD's data are sourced principally from national
statistical offices, which at the request of developing countries are
supported by an UNCTAD technical assistance program to build domestic
capacity for measuring ICTs.

Based on the latest available data, the proportion of ICT-sector
employment in the total business sector of economies ranges from less
than 2 percent in Azerbaijan, Croatia and Kazakhstan to more than 8
percent in Finland, Israel and Sweden.
Such economic activity is significant. As documented in UNCTAD's
Information Economy Report 2011, the ICT sector is playing a growing
role in a number of developing countries. For example, in India, the
contribution of the ICT sector to gross domestic product (GDP) rose from
3.4 percent in 2000/01 to 5.9 percent in 2007/08. In Kenya, the sector
has expanded annually by more than 20 percent over the past decade and
accounted for a staggering 24 percent of Kenya's GDP growth during that
The health of the ICT sector affects governments, companies,
individuals, and society at large.
It creates jobs, spurs innovation, and not least supports the
sustained use of ICTs in domestic economies, which has the effect of
making them more productive and efficient. Recent research shows that a
thriving ICT sector can make a major contribution to economic growth in
low-income countries.
Jobs in ICT have proved to be more productive than those in other
sectors. In the countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD), between 1995 and 2008, labour productivity grew
faster in the ICT sector than in the rest of the business sector.
The data confirms that the ICT sector's contribution to domestic
economies is typically higher in terms of value added than in terms of
employment. However, the ICT sector employs relatively young people with
above-average levels of education. Hence, it offers jobs that may
provide upward mobility, job security, and future training
opportunities. |