Leaders must raise questions to avoid disaster
In the Sri Lankan culture, leaders are believed to be people who have
solutions to problems. You look up to leaders for advice, guidance,
coaching, direction and various means of support - basically providing
The recent downfall of many Sri Lankan finance companies in my view
was due to the lack of this discipline in organisations. If the right
questions were asked by leaders, they could have avoided such disasters.
Right questions will always find the best solutions
I have learned over the years, that leadership is not about knowing
all the answers - it's not practical or real. You know that multiple
heads are always better than one head - good leaders will pick from
everyone's brains. It's all about knowing what great questions to ask,
and carefully listening to the others for solutions. The leader who has
the best questions will always find the best answers.
Good leaders know how to ask great questions--questions that inspire,
motivate, and empower people. Astute leaders use questions to encourage
full participation of the team to spur innovation and out of the box
thinking to fish out the best solution out of many potential solutions;
I always say that every problem has more than one solution - better
leaders will always pick the best idea.
Successful questioning is harder than you think; it's a critical
skill Questions wake people up. They prompt new ideas. They show people
new avenues and directions, new ways of doing the same old thing. They
help us admit that we don't know all the answers. In the process you
become more knowledgeable and confident.
Successful questioning is one of the most powerful skills for not
just leaders, but for all people Leading with Questions provides
wonderful illumination on a subject often hidden in the shadows.
The ability to frame and ask the right question is a desired skill
for everyone in life.
This is a skill that needs to be developed with experience.
Leading with Questions is brilliant and thought provoking. It is a
huge wake up call to all leaders that 'smarter questions' are the best
recipe for lasting success.
The most successful leaders lead with questions, and they use
questions more frequently. Successful and effective leaders create the
conditions and environment to ask and be asked questions.
Make asking questions as natural as breathing
The purpose of leading with questions is to help you become a
stronger leader by learning how to ask the right questions effectively,
how to listen effectively, and how to create a climate in which asking
questions becomes as natural as breathing. When did you start using
questions and why? What are some of the ways in which you use questions?
Shows how you can learn to ask the powerful questions that will generate
quick results and long-term learning and success.
As leaders advance, they tend to ask fewer questions and provide more
answers. This is precisely the wrong approach.
The right way is the complete opposite - as you advance ask more
questions. You should ask the right questions in the right context-
enabling individuals and organisations to thrive. Leadership is about
helping others to flourish with ideas and contributions.
And you do that by asking questions. This empowers coworkers to find
solutions, embrace responsibility, and become accountable.
Moreover, it opens the door to greater productivity and creativity.
Indeed, more than ever before, leaders can't know everything. By seeking
others' input, they can inspire powerful and positive change.
Are you ready to make breakthroughs? The most effective leaders ask
the right questions and help those for whom they are responsible to do
so, also. Over time, the questions and the answers will inevitably
change but the process of interrogation will remain.
Leading with questions is a skill that requires breaking old habits
and forming new more productive ones.
Are you ready to increase your learning? Are you ready to tap into
the potential of the people around you? Are you ready to make
breakthroughs and create innovations? Then questions are for you! |