Musical evening with Martin Taylor
World renowned Jazz guitarist Martin Taylor will perform at a musical
concert with local artistes including Amarasiri Pieris, Nirosha Virajini,
Kasun Kalhara, Bathiya and Santhush at the Nelum Pokuna Mahinda
Rajapaksa Theatre today at 7 pm. Martin Taylor has won many accolades
across the globe and has established a unique musical career as an
internationally acclaimed musician. His inimitable style has seen him
recognised as the world's foremost exponent of solo jazz guitar.
Power of Shakthi
A concert titled Power of Shakthi will be held on February 24 and 25
at 6.30 p.m. at the Kathiresan Hall, Colombo 4 to mark the 82nd
anniversary of the Hindu Women's Society and as a fund raiser for
"Educate a Girl Child" initiative.
The "Educate a Girl Child" is dedicated to helping out displaced
children studying at the Hindu Ladies College. The event will feature
Indian artists from the House of Vibha and Sri Lankan artists. Shreya
and Pooja Umashankar will be the chief guests.
Suddek Oba Amthai
One of the most critically-acclaimed Sinhala dramas in recent times,
Suddek Oba Amathai will go on the boards on February 22 at the New Arts
Theatre of Colombo University at 3 pm The play is written and directed
by Udayasiri Wickramaratne.
A complete illustrated history of Sri Lanka
Dr. Anton Sebastian's A complete illustrated history of Sri Lanka
will be launched at the Matara International Book Fair on February 22.
It will also be launched in New Delhi on February 25 at the Foreign
Correspondents Club and at the Sri Lanka stall at the World Book Fair.
The author is a historian of international repute on the history of
medicine and science. He has applied nearly 20 years of his research
experience to bring out a new perspective on the history of the country.
The book harnesses the evidence found across the world from Chinese,
Roman, Hebrew, Indian, Arabian, Greek, European and other sources to
present a global history of the island. Events in all parts of the world
throughout history have been compared to Lanka on a chronological basis
since prehistoric times.Inscriptions and chronicles have been analysed
and portrayed with academic skill but presented in a popular form for
easier reading.
It is a Vijitha Yapa Publication.
Historical Development of Section 66 Applications
The book Historical Development of Section 66 Applications explains
section 66 application supported by case law. The authors have drawn
material from laws of the ancient Sinhalese kingdom, Hindu law and
customs, canonical, writings, practices and rites of Buddhism.
The book is useful for lawyers, law students and others interested in
the subject.
Aquiloniyave Conan
Mirihagalle's latest book Aquiloniyave Conan will be launched at
Dayawansa Jayakody Bookshop, Colombo 10 on February 21 at 10 a.m.
The book published by Dayawansa Jayakody Publishers is the Sinhala
translation of Robert E. Howard's Conan of Aquilonia.