Celebrating peace and reconciliation:
Diverse voices in harmony
Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of
mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the
absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come
only to peaceful people. - Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964)
“ And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do
for you, ask what you can do for your country.” - John F. Kennedy -
January 20th 1961
dialogue, perhaps, is a sine qua non for a vibrant multi- ethnic polity
particularly at a time when the nation is celebrating its hard-won peace
and national reconciliation. If young members of the nation are the heir
to its wealth and the hard-won peace, they naturally, are the
beneficiaries of the peace dividends. There is no other fitting tribute
to peace and to those who laid their lives to win it than to celebrate
it wholeheartedly fusing diverse voices, faith in unison.
Peace-loving Sri Lankans would have the chance of witnessing such as
a unique event when the first ever Sri Lankan Inter-faith Music Festival
takes off the ground on February 25 at 6 p.m. at the Sugathdasa Indoor
Celebrating freedom
The Inter-faith Music Festival is aptly themed ‘Celebrating Freedom’
and will make up over 2,000 children representing diverse parts of the
country and belonging to many faiths and ethnicities.
The festival is organised by Mother Sri Lanka Trust and the Art of
Living Foundation as a part of their programs to instill a sense of
patriotism particularly in the younger generation and to celebrate peace
and reconciliation. A mass of youth and adults would join the Buddhist,
Hindu, Christian and Islam children with the aim of promoting ethnic
harmony, tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
special feature of the festival was the participation of 500 drummers,
100 guitarists and 200 dancers on a single platform. An important fact
is that almost all the artistes who take part in the festival are
volunteers. In addition to the mass audience, the festival which will be
poised to be a first such festival in Asia would expect to attend
leading cricketers, singers, film and television personalities to
express their solidarity and promote peace and reconciliation in a
fitting manner.
The cornerstone of such programs is the objectives of rekindling the
justifiable pride of being Sri Lankan, engineering faith and confidence
in the country, inculcating proactive and positive attitudes to create
positive energy in every Sri Lankan resulting in making a lasting
contribution to the nation.
Janaki Kuruppu (Chairperson Mother Sri Lanka Trust) said, “Mother Sri
Lanka is a non profit charitable trust set up under the President’s
Office to instill patriotism among Sri Lankans. The message is to give
something to the country not to ask what the country can do for you.
The latest program that we are launching under the theme is
Inter-faith Music Festival. The key is inter-faith. It is not just a
music festival. It’s about all key religions in the country getting
together in a one forum. So, Christian, Islamic and Hindu children will
get together and we will be singing Buddhist bhakti Gee, Christian
carols, Hindu and Muslim chants. ”
According to Janaki Kuruppu, the uniqueness of the event is the
fusion of inter-faith chants and the opportunity that multi-ethnic
audience would have in listening to multi-religious chants, appreciating
country’s sheer ethnic and religious diversity, celebrating peace and
reconciliation. All the participants of the festival will join 1,500
children and performers in singing. The concept behind the festival is
to appreciate religious and cultural diversity. The Art of Living
Foundation which is the co-organiser of the event is an international
organisation promoting peace and reconciliation and it is for the first
time that the Art of Living Foundation is launching a major program of
this nature in Sri Lanka.
Janaki Kuruppu
Mother Sri Lanka Trust) |
Sri Ram, teacher
(The Art of
Living Foundation) |
Edward Jayakody,
Director Education (Music) Ministry of Education |
Artists such as Edward Jayakody, Bhathiya and Santhush, Soundarie
David, Arunthathi Sri Ranganathan and Jayantha Rathnayake will join in
singing with the children.
Edward Jayakody, Director Education (Music) Ministry of Education,
Sri Ram, teacher (The Art of Living Foundation), Jayantha Ratnayake and
Sarath Kothalawala, the proprietor of Torana Music Box also spoke on
diverse aspects of the festival. The Torana Music Box will video record
the event and a DVD containing the recording will be issued as a
Mother Sri Lanka Foundation
Sri Lanka is a collaborative effort of the public, non-governmental and
the private sectors in the country leveraging on the strengths in each
sector with leadership and direction from the President’s Office. The
campaign aims at bringing together diverse perspectives in an inclusive
manner with empowerment and development as a goal in the long run. It is
hoped that the initiative would demystify the ideas about the past and
allow discussions on what can be done for the future to stand up as
strong individuals and a nation across disciplinary and practice lines.
The campaign is aimed at an action - oriented change in the behaviour
fuelled by a gradual shift in the perceptions and will lead towards
positivism and optimism and will act as a wakeup call to look at things
differently and actually lead to action.
The Mother Sri Lanka Foundation was established under the Companies
Act of 2007 and is characterised as a company limited by guarantee with
charitable status. The donated funds, profits or other income from the
Foundation will be re-invested for purposes of promoting the objectives.
The Foundation has a Board of Trustees and will employ an Executive
Director, Directors and Project Coordinators as needed. Monitoring and
evaluation of activities will be through the Foundation and the
Presidential Secretariat.
The broader and long –term objectives of the foundation include
conducting activities, programs, communication campaigns to build pride
in being Sri Lankan and develop positive thinking about Sri Lanka and
initiate activities at grassroot level to contribute towards nation
building through the development of professional, physical and spiritual
wellbeing of all Sri Lankans and attract international resources towards
developing Sri Lanka, through motivating Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan
interest groups overseas and act as a facilitator between receiving and
donor parties in Sri Lankan by liaising between stakeholders from the
private and public sectors, NGOs and INGOs. |