World Thinking Day:
Special day for Girl Guides
by Jayanthi TILLEKERATNE-Girl Guide Commissioner
Guides and scouts share a common celebration on February 22 every
year, the joint birthday of the founder Lord Baden Powell and his wife
Olave Baden Powell. By an interesting coincidence, his wife also was
born on the same date but some years later.
Lord Baden Powell |
The World Chief Guide Lady Baden Powell |
It has been a very special day for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts ever
since the idea of Thinking Day was first suggested way back in 1926.
It was during the 4th World International conference that the
delegates highlighted the need for a special international day, when
Guides would think about Guiding and Guides around the world, giving
them thanks and appreciation.
They chose February 22 as the day for Thinking Day because it was the
mutual birthday of Lord Baden Powell as well as his wife Olave, who
served as World Chief Guide. Considering the global aspect of this day,
in 1999 at the 30th Girl Guide World Conference, the name was changed to
World Thinking Day.
It is a day for Guides around the world to think of both the
founders. It is also a day for them to think of their sister Guides in
all the countries.
Thinking day reminds girls around the world what Guiding is like in
other countries and gets them to think about the fact that they are part
of such a huge organisation.
It is a tradition to send cards to other Guides before Thinking Day.
All of us think of each other in terms of love and friendship.
Though we cannot visit our sister Guides in France or Australia or
any other country; you can reach out to them in your mind. Greetings are
exchanged between many countries.
Also on this day, Guides give thanks and appreciation to the
international friendship they find in our movement.
Exchange of wishes .... usually ‘Good morning’ changes to ‘Happy
Thinking day to you’ on February 22.
Both Guides and Scouts (Founders’ Day or B.P. Day for them) organise
special meetings, rallies, ceremonies. in every country on this
important day.
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
nominates a theme for each year's World Thinking Day.
The theme they select is an important current international issue.
The World body has divided all the Guiding countries into five
regions. One country from each of these regions is selected as a focus
country. Girl Guides all over the world use these countries as an
opportunity to study and appreciate other countries and cultures.
As a result, their awareness and sensitivity on global concerns too
would increase.
The theme for the world Thinking Day 2012 is “Girls worldwide say -
We can save our planet” based on UN Millennium Development Goal 7:
Environmental Sustainability.
The focus countries for this year are:
Gayana'20- Western Hemisphere region
Japan'20- Asia Pacific region
Ivory Coast'20- Africa region
Russia'20- Europe region
Tunisia'20- Arab region
The aim is to raise awareness among our Girl Guides about the
environment and the impact we have on it. The poorest people in the
world are the highest sufferers of the effect of this environment damage
caused by human activities and climate change which comes as a result to
end poverty. We must ensure that we minimise this man- made climate
change. So, together Girl Guides - as one movement - can speak out and
take action to try to save our planet.
Thinking Day Fund
Donations are also collected for the Thinking Day Fund. Every Girl
Guide donates a coin towards the Fund on this day. The idea of Thinking
Day Fund too came during a World Conference of Guides in 1935.
The suggestion was brought about by a delegate from the Belgium World
Chief Guide Lady BP then wrote a letter to all Girl Guides and Girl
Scouts to join in the form of a voluntary contribution to the WAGGGS. In
her letter she asked to donate ‘just a penny'. In order to support the
The collection of this money goes for support projects which help
needy girls and young women around the world.
In Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka Guiding and Scouting are conveniently and properly
established. School-oriented Guide companies are continually supported
by school principals, staff and parents.
Also Guiding and Scouting are well recognised as one of the
extra-curricular activities in schools. In the school register, a
student's attendance is marked as present if he attends Guide or Scout
activity during school hours.
This alone gives evidence of the supportive behaviour of the
Education Department of our country.
The World Thinking Day is celebrated by Girl Guides at provincial
level - the ceremony being held in a school premises. Each province
plans out as to how their Thinking Day ceremony is to be held in their
own area. Usually it is planned ahead so that each company is ready with
the theme and focus countries, Guides prepare national flags, maps,
collect and draw pictures, learn dances and songs ... ... every detail
about these countries. Sometimes, a Guide Walk too, may be held. This
creates an awareness among the public about our Guides as well as
current world issues.
This year too, on February 22, Girl Guides are planning to celebrate
the World Thinking Day as usual. Senior Guides, Girl Guides as well as
Little Friends would be standing on the pavement of the road in front of
the school, with banners and posters in their hands.
According to the theme of this year ‘We can save our planet’, their
posters would carry a message about environment to show how to maintain
our planet free of pollution. Founder's birthday messages too could be
seen among posters.
This time, their aim is to plant a tree in their school premises.
Also Guides hope to maintain it in the coming years to be called as
Baladakshika Wrukshaya. World Thinking Day celebrations which follows
the tree planting ceremony, provide them with unforgettable memories
throughout the year.
As a tradition, hoisting flags whilst the world song is sung takes
place as the initial item of the ceremony.
The Guide Promise is renewed by everyone. After some brief speeches
about the theme and importance of the day, the Thinking Day coin
collection starts.
It is a lovely sight to see Guides from each company carrying their
Guide flag in front marching forward to put their Thinking Day coin bag
into a decorated till.
The theme for this year ‘We can save the planet’ would be highlighted
in their performances.
Also depicting information about focus countries is one of the most
awaited events. Guides enjoy dances and songs. of different countries
which bring about the international aspect of Guiding.
An International Food Fiesta too may follow. Each stall is decorated
with posters and flags. which provide a lot of information about focus
Also each stall sells food of their country. Guides taste different
preparations sold.
They are sold at affordable prices so that every Guide could enjoy a
A memorable evening ends for our Guides providing awareness of
current global issues and also how as Guides we can help in our small
way to overcome such problems.
It is better to end up quoting Lady Baden Powell's own words from the
book written by Lady BP with Mary Drewery titled ‘Window of my Heart'.
“Thus do we Guides of all kinds and of all ages and all nations go
with the highest and best towards the spreading of true peace and
goodwill on earth”. |