‘West’s bogus concern - Sri Lanka owes explanation to none’
Almost three years after the Government inflicted a crushing defeat
on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) - Sri Lanka is the only
country that has to date been able to defeat and destroy a terrorist
organisation - a section of the international community’s ad nauseam
criticism of the manner in which President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s
administration has handled the crisis is becoming a major irritant
bordering on bullying, said the Indian newspaper Daily Pioneer in a hard
hitting editorial on Friday.
Titled “West’s bogus concern: Sri Lanka owes an explanation to none”
the editorial said that Western moves to find fault with Sri Lanka must
be strongly resisted by other countries. Sri Lanka needs help, not
criticism, to heal, the newspaper said.
The editorialist said, “The latest instance of this is a proposal
that is being fielded by the US, the European Union and other Western
nations at the UN Human Rights Council, calling for Sri Lanka to
implement the recommendations of a UN probe into the Sri Lankan
military’s role in alleged civilian killings. The UN report demands that
guilty soldiers be prosecuted but as the leader of the Sri Lankan
delegation to the Council, Minister of Plantation Industries Mahinda
Samarasinghe said, such a move is an ‘unwarranted incursion’.
It must be strongly resisted by all who do not wish for covert
Western imperialism to overshadow the functioning of a global,
democratic world order. Also, given the fact that the Mahinda Rajapaksa
Government is already implementing the recommendations made by its own
Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), there is no reason
for such a resolution.
By common consent, the LLRC conducted an independent and fair review
of the seven-year-long last phase of the humanitarian operation and
indeed, its report is even critical of the Government in several
sections. If anything, the Government deserves credit for having already
begun the process of implementing the LLRC’s report even though it was
presented before Parliament only two months ago.
For instance, a census to ascertain the number of persons who died in
the conflict in the Northern Province has been completed and as expected
proves that the international community’s figures are exaggerated. Also,
almost half of the controversial High Security Zones have been cleared
allowing for the acceleration of the resettlement process.
Out of the 290,000 Displaced Persons living in welfare centres in
2009, only 6,647 now have to be resettled. The Government has also
rehabilitated child soldiers and former LTTE personnel, built homes and
schools and taken steps to de-militarise the conflict-torn Provinces
where local Government elections have been held and civil administration
restored. Clearly, the Rajapaksa Government has proved that it is
committed to the reconciliation and reconstruction of Sri Lanka. The
international community must appreciate these efforts and refrain from
re-opening wounds that are yet to heal. After three decades of
terrorism, Sri Lanka has emerged victorious but badly scarred. It needs
help, not criticism, to heal.”