Financial Advisor
A wealthy ninety-year-old business tycoon is meeting with his
financial advisor.
The advisor is very excited and tells the old man. "I just found out
an investment I can make for you which will double your money in just
five years!"
"Five years? Are you kidding?" exclaims the old man. "At my age, I
don't even buy green bananas", he said.
Piece of Jewellery
A young businessman bought an expensive piece of jewellery as a
present for his girlfriend. "Don't you want her name engraved on it?"
asked the clerk. The young man thought for a moment, and then, ever the
realistic, steadfastly replied, "No, just engrave it: To My One and Only
Love. That way, if we break up and she throws it back to me in anger, I
can use it again.
Business Ethics
The managing partner in an accounting firm is very annoyed with one
of his junior partners and has called him in to chastise him. "How could
you possibly advise the client in the way you did? That was completely
unethical. We are always conscious of
The young partner is offended and said, "Of course I know what Ethics
is. It's a county in southern England."