Sex, no game for spectators!
sex is not something bad or obscene, it remains a taboo subject in most
oriental countries. As sex education is still not a subject in schools
and universities, everybody seems to be interested in it. There is,
however, widespread confusion about pornography and obscenity.
Sexual behaviour between two married people is accepted by society as
something normal. But an outside observer of sexual behaviour raises
some ethical questions. Having sex is a private affair. If any couple
does it for the camera, then it becomes pornography. A large number of
men and women are tempted to view pornographic films and videos through
sheer curiosity. If they can be given a proper sex education, most of
the damage can be avoided.
If people do not make love and produce children, the human race will
soon be extinct. Through love-making two people build a rich
relationship which is something beautiful and sacred. However, their
very act of love-making will have a different significance and meaning
to a Peeping Tom. What should be emphasised is that normal sexual
behaviour is not something obscene. Obscenity comes out of the
evaluation of the secret observer.

Dante depicted romance in
a dignified way |
In the affluent West, sex is fast losing its sacredness. The rampant
promiscuity and non-respect of morality have given rise to a new social
order. Unfortunately, people in the East are also feeling the influence
of the West. Media reports indicate that society is sliding downwards as
far as sexual morality is concerned.
The crux of the pornography problem is that it is the spectator's
point of view. If there is no spectator, there is no pornography. It is
a tragedy that pornography has been commercialised in a big way. The
ultimate sexual behaviour of a couple is meticulously filmed to be shown
to millions who are eager to see it. As a result, despite regular raids
on CD shops, pornography has become a thriving business.
Pornography, just like illicit liquor, cannot be eradicated by raids.
According to a simple economic theory, when there is a demand, it will
be met by somebody. Therefore, youngsters should be educated on sexual
matters, including various sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Those
who watch pornographic films are likely to experiment and get into
serious trouble. Only sex education can arrest this trend.
Long before the advent of pornographic films and videos, people
enjoyed romantic moments depicted in literature. For instance, in
Dante's Divine Comedy Francesca tells of her tragic love for Paolo. They
were reading an ancient romance and as they read their passions suddenly
overcame them. Dante simply has Francesca say, “That day we read no
further.” The rest was left to the reader's imagination.
In the distant past, sexual activity was the culmination of true love
and respect for each other. In the modern world sex is used for various
other purposes. For instance, sex is used as an instrument of
exploitation and ethnic cleansing during a war. Very often, sex becomes
a commercial transaction, with one party, usually the male, paying the
other for her services. Sex sometimes shows signs of neurosis too.
In a complex society such as ours, people view sex from different
angles. For some people it is a source of immense pleasure. For others
it is a source of anxiety and frustration. For some it is a sport. To
others it is only a duty. If you take a cross section of society, you
will see that some people such as Americans are obsessed with sex. On
the other hand, media and advertisers use sex to sell everything from
mobile phones to toilet soap.
‘Straight’ and ‘gay’
Sexual orientation is something that you cannot hide under the
carpet. Most of us are heterosexuals. We seek emotional and sexual
relationships with members of the opposite sex in a legally and morally
binding way. Psychologists call them ‘Straight.’ Homosexuals seek
emotional and sexual relationships with members of the same sex. They
are known as ‘gay.’ Women homosexuals are popularly known as ‘lesbians.’
Due to the absence of sex education in our society, peers have become
our principal source of information. Most of the peers disseminate
misinformation that runs counter to accepted moral codes. However, peers
can be an effective source of sex information if handled with care. For
instance, a pilot sex education project - the Atlanta Postponing Sexual
Involvement - launched in the United States in the 1990s demonstrated
that high school students could be an effective group of educating the
young on sexual matters.
Sex education can prevent unwanted pregnancies, rape and incest.
Today teenagers are exposed to television portrayals of improper sexual
relationships. They rarely see telefilms that depict how to lead a moral
life avoiding STD and other social problems. It is pathetic to note that
some books, magazines and even songs depict woman as a sex object.
Most crimes committed have some element of illicit sex. If we do not
act fast, we will be leaving a shameful legacy to the future generation. |