Nutritious food
All food contains nutrients. Our bodies need nutrients to keep them
healthy and give energy.
Nutrients can be divided into different types. Carbohydrates give us
energy to work and play.

There are two kinds of carbohydrate; starch and sugar. Rice and
potatoes contain a lot of starch. Sugar gives us energy, but too much
sugar is bad for our teeth and can make us fat.
Proteins help us keep our bodies fit and strong. There are two kinds
of proteins.
Animal proteins and plant proteins. Fish and meat are high in
People who don’t eat fish or meat can get their protein from soya,
green peas, nuts, milk and various other food.
Vitamins and minerals too help to keep us healthy. We need them to
keep our bones and teeth strong. Fruits and vegetables give us vitamins,
energy and fibre.
They don’t make us fat. Butter, cheese and coconut all contain high
levels of fat. Although these foods give us a lot of energy, too much
fat in our diet can cause heart disease. While eating all these
different kinds of foods, we must also remember to drink plenty of
water, everyday.
A Dinusha Salith,
Grade 9,
Prince of Wales College,
Jaguars - skilled hunters

The jaguar is a carnivorous animal. It is similar to a leopard. Due
to this people confuse jaguars with leopards. However, there are ways to
identify them.
Jaguars live in a variety of habitats. They live even in open land if
there are provisions for hunting and reliable water sources. Their
‘menu’ is very large.
They hunt large livestock, deer and larger varieties of birds.The
Jaguar’s jaw is very strong to the extent that it can haul a fully grown
cow for almost a mile.Jaguars are amazing creatures.
It is sad that they are on the list of endangered species. This is
mainly because they are hunted for their beautiful fur coats.
With environmental pressure today, the demand for such things have
decreased but hunting these innocent animals has not ceased.
The population of jaguars in the world is estimated to be about
15,000 only. The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) is doing all it can to
protect the remaining of these skilled hunters.
It is up to us to protect them and treat them kindly, because all
animals are a part of our environment.
Omar Badurdeen,
Grade 10, Hejaaz International School,
Mt. Lavinia.
I like listening to the radio
There are many hobbies in the world. Gardening, reading books,
collecting stamps and playing games are some of them. Out of them my
favourite is listening to the radio.
Listening to the radio is an interesting hobby for me. It widens my
knowledge. I like to listen to children’s songs and Hindi songs on the
radio. Sometimes I listen to the news too.I think, listening to the
radio is an enjoyable and very educational hobby. I can gather a lot of
information on places and people in the world through the different
programmes and news broadcasts. I can also learn cultural and economic
I listen to the radio in my leisure. I generally listen to it after I
finish my homework, but sometimes I listen to the radio while doing my
homework too.I don’t like to listen to the radio when there is a crowd
because I cannot hear what is said.
So, I prefer to listen to it in my room, alone. It helps me to relax
and keep my mind free.
There are many radio channels, but I like to listen to FM radio the
most.The most important thing when we listen to the radio is to listen
very carefully because we can misunderstand what is said.I like
listening to the radio very much because it helps me in many ways.
D.K. Gavithri Dilesha Amarasinghe,
Grade 10-P, Ke/Dudley Senanayake Central College.
Library - a storehouse of knowledge
A library can be considered as a store house of knowledge. In a
library there are many important books. A library provides a great
service to society. There are a large number of libraries throughout the
There are many people who love to read books, but some of them cannot
afford to buy books, because the prices are very high. So, by becoming a
member of a library, he or she can borrow valuable books to read.
Libraries are useful mostly for poor children and fortunately they
are open to the poor and rich alike.
There are two main sections in a library. They are the lending
section and the reference section.
There are not only books in a library but also newspapers,
periodicals and many more valuable printed material we could read and
enhance our knowledge.
As we can develop our knowledge greatly through a library, even if we
cannot afford to purchase books, we must make good use of this valuable
A library plays a very important role in society and everyone must
step forward to maintain it properly.
Mubashira Mulafir,
Grade 9,
Kl/A.W.M.G.N. Central College,
Dharga Town.
Potato - a valuable food plant
A potato is a leafy plant that is classified as a vegetable. It has a
thick and uneven shaped tuber which grows underground.
This plant bears small flowers which are white, pink, red, blue or
purple in colour, depending on the species.
The potato itself bears a thin skin which varies in colour from brown
to red. When a potato is cut open, it reveals light yellow flesh.
When it comes to the cultivation of potatoes it cannot be exposed to
harsh weather conditions. Heavy frost damages the potato tuber in the
ground. Extremely cold weather can lead to bruising and rotting of the
plant. Such weather can ruin a large crop very quickly.
Potatoes are an important source of food which is very healthy. They
contain various vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.
Potatoes also provide us with minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium and
They consist of about 80 per cent water and 20 per cent flesh.
Potatoes are used as food for domestic animals. They are also used to
obtain starch in the food industry. Potato starch is often used in the
production of sauces and soups. Potatoes are generally used to make
curries and pastes that are very tasty.
The potatoes have been a very valuable source of food even in ancient
Chamal R. Menikarachchi,
Grade 9N,
Royal College, Colombo 7.
If I had three wishes...

If I had three wishes I would wish to explore the whole world.
I would go to the Amazon forest, visit every museum, swim the oceans
and seas, go to the tallest building in the world and make a visit to
Disneyland. I would take my parents, friends and of course my pets,
along with me.
My second wish is to be a hero who can save the whole world when the
world is in trouble, like Green Lantern. He saved the whole planet. If
the Earth is full of crime, I'll solve them and send the crooks to
prison.My third wish is to be a Software Engineer. Then I would work on
the computer and make computers and software. The people who give their
computers for repairs will pay me lots of money and I would use them for
my family and myself.
Abdullah Atheeb,
Grade 5,
Hejaaz International School,
Mt. Lavinia.
Everything withers during a drought
The trees, bushes and vines have all withered. The few leaves left on
the trees too have lost their green colour. The cattle, goat and other
animals roam about looking for something to eat and drink. Their skins
have virtually shrunk into their bones. The natural beauty of the fauna
and flora is lost during a drought.
Farmers and fishermen face severe hardship as their cultivations are
ruined. Earning money becomes a major problem during a drought and their
family problems become worse.Dust spreads everywhere from the dry earth.
The environment becomes brown and dusty. When there is a drought all
waterways dry up.
A drought usually makes every person feel like a withered flower.
Everyone gets tired of life then.Many suffer a lot during a drought. We
need to avoid doing things such as felling of trees that can contribute
to a drought condition in our environment.
Ashan Lahiru Senarath,
Grade 11B, Dharmaraja College,
Kandy. |