Meet the other ancestors
by Steve Connor

Fossilised remains of China's ‘red deer cave people’ may
represent a whole new human species that radically complicates
the story of our origins
A distinct group of prehistoric people who lived in what is now
south-west China more than 11,500 years ago could be a new human
species, according to scientists who have completed a detailed analysis
of their fossilised skeletons and skulls.
Researchers said the unique anatomy of what they call the "red deer
cave people" meant they were either a very ancient tribe of Homo sapiens
that had become isolated for tens of thousands of years from the rest of
humanity, or a completely new human species.
A new species would add a further complication to the already complex
story of human origins. It would mean there was a time when our own
species, H. sapiens, shared the same non-African landscapes with at
least four other human species until each in turn became extinct,
allowing just one type of human to dominate the globe.
The red deer people hunted and cooked an extinct ice-age species of
giant deer that lived in the area of Yunnan province in southern China.
The remains of at least four red deer people, and their skulls, were
excavated from two cave sites, one near the city of Mengzi in Yunnan and
the other near the village of Longlin in the neighbouring region of
Guangzi Zhuang.
Charred deer bones suggest that this extinct ice-age animal was a
principal source of food, said Professor Darren Curnoe of the University
of New South Wales in Australia, who carried out the study with
Professor Ji Xueping of the Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and
Archaeology, published in PloS One, a journal produced by the Public
Library of Science in the United States.
"The unique anatomy of the skulls of the red deer cave people shows
they represent a previously unknown prehistoric population.
They could be a new evolutionary line or a previously unknown modern
human population that arrived early from Africa and failed to contribute
genetically to living East Asians," Professor Curnoe said.
"We have dated the remains to between about 14,500 and 11,500 years
ago, which means that these people are the youngest population to be
found anywhere in the world whose anatomy doesn't comfortably fit within
the range of modern humans," he said.
"While finely balanced, I think the evidence is slightly weighted
towards the red deer cave people representing a new evolutionary line.
They look very different to all modern humans, whether alive today or
in Africa 150,000 years ago," Prof Curnoe added.
There were at least three other extinct human species living
alongside H. sapiens in Europe and Asia, but until a decade ago only one
of them was known to science - the Neanderthals, who inhabited a large
territory extending from the Middle East to western Europe. Neanderthals
lived from around 400,000 years ago until they became extinct about
30,000 years ago.
More recently, scientists discovered two more distinct human species
that had lived outside Africa at the same time as H. sapiens. The
Denisovans, who occupied a cave site at Denisova in the Altai Mountains
of Siberia, died out about 40,000 years ago, while the miniature
"Hobbits" (Homo floresiensis) lived on the Indonesian island of Flores
until about 18,000 years ago.
The only other species of human found in Asia is the much older Homo
erectus, which predated H. sapiens.
While H. erectus emerged from Africa about 1.9 million years ago, H.
sapiens migrated only about 70,000 years ago.
Professor Curnoe said the red deer people show little close
similarity to any of these other humans species.
"They don't show any particular resemblances to the Neanderthals.
If anything, they show a mix of H. sapiens-like and H. erectus-like
features, as well as some unusual traits," he said.
"Their skulls are an unusual mosaic of primitive features, like those
seen in our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago, some modern
traits, similar to living people, and several unusual features.
In short, they're anatomically unique among all members of the human
evolutionary tree," he said.
"The main ways they differ from modern H. sapiens are in their
prominent brow ridges, thick skull bones, flat upper faces with a broad
nose, and jutting jaws that lack a human-like chin," he added.Further
studies will clarify the type of stone tools these people used to hunt
and butcher their quarry, which they cooked over fires. "They clearly
had a taste for venison, with evidence they cooked these large deer in
the cave," Professor Curnoe said.
They must also have been tough enough to survive the harsh climate at
the end of the last Ice Age. "They survived the final, and one of the
worst, cold episodes: the Last Glacial Maximum, around 20,000 years
ago," he said.
"This time also saw a major shift in the behaviour of modern humans
in southern China, who began to make pottery for food storage and to
gather wild rice. This marks some of the first steps towards full-blown
- The Independent