Forbidden Game
by Aurélie HERMAN
 Once upon a time is the first sri lankan movie broadcasted in
Belgium. Projected during the International Love Film Festival of Mons ,
it represents the sri lankan movie industry that's reborn after war. The
movie benefits of the beautiful landscapes of this country. Gunatilake's
movie touches when it expresses the loneliness of the deformed man.
Maybe the director should have explored more the story of the love
triangle including the young lady, the lawyer and the main character
played by Sanath Gunatilake.
His work feels like being « unfinished » but at least, it gives him
the opportunity to spend more time on the old guy suffering. A sadness
that's even more emotional thanks to the actor's performance, never
ridiculous although it was quite a dangerous role. A performance that
reaches its climax when the woman makes a sneaky... and lethal demand.
Well, once upon a time touches thanks to the actors, make us dream
thanks to the location. It also reminds us that love is definitely
universal. this story would have happened or could happen at any place,
in any country, at anytime to any human being, tells us sanath
gunatilake. Universal, beautiful, ephemere. Isn't it what makes it so
great ?